
Should i forgive and forget?

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should i forgive & forget my dad for not having a relationship wit me when i was younger cause he chose beer over me?




  1. Yes. Forget. He probably doesn't give a d**n to this day, so why should you? It's time to move on with your life or see a counselor.

  2. you can

    or you can't

    or you can wait around til he sees that you are more important than the beer.

  3. That is simple... No, you do not...

  4. That's kind of a bad question to ask strangers (or anyone else for that matter)...because only you can decide.

    I never knew my dad, he chose...well he basically thought anything was better than having a kid. I only found out who he was 4 or 5 years ago when my mom finally told me. I asked my friends and my family and a  counseler at my school and the only response that i got back was "only you can decide if you're ready to forgive him and talk to him" I now email him, haven't met him in person, not ready for that step. But i am glad i gave him the chance to explain and have gotten to know him.

    I admit that your case is a little different, but they're the same in a lot of ways... Only you can decide if you're ready to forgive. Maybe he's changed, maybe he wants to get to know you again...maybe you'll want to get to know him at some point. If you decide you don't want to now, i suggest leaving that window of opportunity open for the future, just in case.

    I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do :)

  5. Forgive but don't forget.  Holding on to the anger is only hurting you.  Do it for YOU not for him.

  6. he made a mistake maybe he was going through a rough patch   forgive him but  u will never forget

  7. that hurts you  deeply and it isant fair  you can forgive but never forget   just thank your father  for showing u how not to treat a loved one  do not  let what he did bother your life be better but because he is your dad forgive him but learn from it ,God bless u i have tears in my eyes for u

  8. before you decide, try walking in his shoes. you can't because you don't know all the details. so find out and then decide. treat your dad like someone trying to get a job and you are the interviewer. ask questions-let him answer-make notes-take a day or two to think things through-then follow up with a call and tell him if he's in or out.

  9. Alcoholics can be forgiven, but never forgotten. I suggest you talk with someone who has training in this - a counselor at school or a religious leader. The first step is to recognize it's not your fault.

  10. You know everyone makes mistakes... Alcoholism is an actual disease and it probably took a lot over him. He probably regrets so much of it. Remember were only human... and humans make a lot of mistakes, he's your father after all. he loves you.

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