
Should i get this ferret?

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I have a gut feeling that i should get this ferret at the humane society for a companion for my other ferret, i cant stop thinking about this ferret, I chose nother ferret over this one yesterday and shes turned into a total disater because of her behavior I just feel like i should have got the one at the humane society instead, im still thinking about getting it, do you think i should?




  1. get it. the ferret you have will be so happy and the on you get wil be so happy good luck!

  2. yea got it is a nice pet

  3. get it! it would be nice... just visit or be with it awhile b4 you get it to make sure he has a good behavior! first!

    good luck!

  4. I would get it

    and ur lucky, Its illegal here in calif. to have one  : (

  5. yer get it ferrets are sweet and loving creatures and there soo fun to play with make sure they have lots of roopm though they love to run around

    go on this it should help^^^^

  6. Just be very careful when getting a new ferret especially if it is from a pound or humane society.  Remember that any place where there are un vaccinated dogs, there will be distemper virus on the premises.  Distemper is fatal to ferrets and even if your ferret is vaccinated, it can pick up distemper if their immune system is low and they will die.  Anytime you get a new animal, especially a ferret, you should isolate the new animals from your existing animals for a good 2 weeks to ensure you are not bring any diseases into your home.  

    Ferrets need time to get accustomed to each other and they usually don't bond in one day. Sometimes it takes months to get them to really bond so you must be patient and use ferret language to help them learn the social graces they will need to live with another weasel.  Weasels in the wild generally live a solitary life and only bond with litter mates so give it time.

  7. you should get him because if you dont he will be destroyed.........just make sure they dont mate or fight........

  8. Ferrets love to have company, get it.

  9. I would get it, just to rescue it from the humane society]:

    Hopefully you wouldn't get rid of the other one though, you have to remember it's still getting adjusted, my ferret acts way differently from when I first got him.

  10. Getting animals from the humane society is awsome i think you should htink about it and if you really want it than you should get it.

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