
Should i get this haircut??

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Should i get shoulder length layered hair with layered side bangs..

I have a long face with wavy thick hair..

..Oh ya..

what colour should i dye my tanned!!!

[Sorry i know that this is my 3rd qs about hair]



Thanx in Advance!




  1. i did that and i have wavy thick hair...except i didnt get side turned out pretty cool...i think instead of dying ur hair...get blonde will look so cool...or u could dy ur hair light/dark brown and get blonde highlights.....brown and blonde look good together...tresseme works really well

  2. If your hairs black and your tanned do not dye it because you already sound gorgeous. I think the hairstyle you want would really suit.

  3. Aison, shut up!

    If you are tanned, I think black hair would look best and most natural.

    But if you want to colour your hair, blonde will look nice.

    I think shoulder length hair would be good if you have a longer face, long hair might make your face look longer.

  4. i got my hair like that!!! I loved! but my hair is straight . My friend got hair cut like that 2 and her hair is wavy and she liked it to. I think u should get it :)

  5. hmm..I think u shuld get a hair cut shoulder length layered hair.. and maybe die ur hair dark brown bcuz u have thick hair u shuld ask da solonist 2 cut ur hair in such a way that it makes ur hair feel lighter so that it doesnt go all puffy when u just washed ur hair!!

    hope my advice works... :D

  6. ignore the guy below, i think it would look good go like a light brown or chocalate brown, but a change would be good. Dont get it too short but because you may regret it and it will take ages to go, ive done that so i highly recommend not doing that, but other than that it will look good!

  7. Hi there =)

    This is just me talking but i agree with the chocolate brown hair,

    having short hair is great and its easy to look after and also you should

    get your hair layered!!!!

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