
Should i go back to work?

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i had a baby in april and im due back from maternaty just after xmas.

trouble is i dont know if i want to go back.

its a strenious job, 12hrs per day, 7days out of 14, in a old peoples home that spiecalizes in dementia.

i do have the option to do part time but im really not sure

any advise would be welcome




  1. As a SAHM - with three kids and two more on the way - if you don't HAVE to work - Don't!! If your family can make it on  one income - it's worth it! Less stress from your job and you get to be a real  part of your childs life. You also need to consider the costs of working. You are on mat leave now.........can you live without the income? Will your working income be swallowed up by childcare costs? Can you find something PT when hubby is home to get out of the house for a breather and still contribute? It's really a personal decision.......but by the looks of it you're already anticipating the worst (knowing how your job was before) - maybe you can find a different job?

  2. why don't you try  find another job, only 5 days a week? Maybe less money but you will be closer to your family.  Good luck

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