
Should i go greaser or emo?

by  |  earlier

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i want a new look and i was deciding between greaser or emo.




  1. greaser for sure

  2. Why not just be yourself?

    because really who cares.

    wait why is this under royalty.

  3. go greaser please ol chap. i so enjoy the leather

  4. Definitely Greaser... Emo is not for me, as cutting oneself can be so dreary.

  5. dont label urself so simply

    be who you are

    and that'll be ur style lol

  6. Make up something new,maybe a grippie or a hemo .

  7. EMO all the way!!!

    the emo style is awesome, you can make it your own, and it's really hot.


    Greaser is cool, do that.

  9. That depends...

    If you go Greaser, the good thing is that not many people would want to mess with you. The bad thing, they're a little out dated. Everyone loves a bad boy, so it's not a bad idea at all!

    If you go emo, you'll attract so many different girls! Girls now adays are totally into the dark type. The bad thing, some people might think of you as a poser because EVERYone wants to be emo. This one takes a little more work to keep up, but in the end, it's worth it.

    I'd go with emo personally, but whatever you do...don't go "gangsta". :P It's not cool any's never been all that cool.

  10. emo is hot :]

  11. I have no idea what you should go as and to tell you the truth,I don't care what you go as.I also have no idea what prompted you to post this in the Royalty section.Do you suffer from delusions of grandeur.

  12. Wow, very different choices, both are nice. I like old school stuff, though.

  13. What has this go to do with Royalty ?

  14. Go with greaser!,we get lots of fun, and we definitely dont sad ourselves like the end of the world is near,like a emo

    Old school!

  15. haha definitely greaser.

  16. gremo =)

  17. wow.

    greaser  and emo are like so0o diffrent. i wonder how u narrowed it down to THOSE two.

    i can kinda understand scene or emo.

    but greaser??

    emo is not neccisarrily a "look"

    it's closer to a personaliy.

    alot of people are gonna call you a faker.

    you schould just be yourself.

    But i digress,

    i'd say emo looks better than greaser.

    and as a plus you'd attract alot more girl that way

    = ]

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