
Should i install LimeWire?

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everyyyyyyyyyyyoneeeeeee i know has it, but im kinda scared?

what do you think about it?




  1. After Canada came in with their copy write law, a lot of songs are tough to find. Sure go ahead and download it but also remember viruses and do not buy pro! There is no difference other than a pop up.

  2. i got it..... but I don't get music from there anymore.... because the quality is bad and itunes is still cheap

    I guess you could get it.... but its up to you

  3. Frostwire is better, it has a built in anti virus detection. Limewire doesn't, and it spams a lot of p**n.

  4. I have it.

    and nothing bad has came of it.

    go ahead(:


  6. Well it was good knowing ur computer while it still worked

  7. No, install Frost Wire, its the same but there are less viruses and Trojans, try it and let me know what your think!

  8. if you want to download a lot of things, u should install limewire. its really good.

  9. go for it.

  10. ares is better, stay away from video downloads they are mostly p**n viruses

  11. you should be good as long as you dont download anything random or p**n...btw if you have a mac you will be good as well

  12. i like it, its just downloading music, wat u scared bout


  13. the way i heard it is it is not illegal to download the music its illegal to give it to someone else so you can download it and then go to settings and make it so that you cant give music but can take it then i think you should be alright though im not an expert and i just heard it from a friend

  14. idk wtf is with all these people saying it will give you a virus...

    Yeah.. its safe to download, but if your going to use it for music/video... you will need to turn ALL SHARING OPTIONS OFF. If you leave them on, that makes you extremely vulnerable to being caught. P.S. The sharing options are under the "tool" tab on the top of the screen, after selectind tools go to "options" then you will see how to change it from there. I have been using limewire for years.....and downloaded thousands and thousands of songs and movies without any viruses or trojans... all you have to do to avoid these viruses is watch the size of the file your downloading... such as most music files are anywhere from 2000 - 8000 kb...and movies anywhere from 300MB to 1400MB. Example: if your going to download a music file....and its only 73kb.....DONT DO IT lol.... only stupid people who dont know what they are doing download the viruses

  15. You can download it.Limewire actually doesn't give you viruses upon installation.It is only the file that you've downloaded gives you viruses. Just beware of what you are downloading. Avoid those files that are zip,rar and exe files. These files often brings viruses and infect your computer.

  16. Since Limewire is P2P, it's not illegal to have it or use it. It's only illegal to use it to download music which you didn't pay royalties for. And that's the thing that everyone does with it. And they aren't going to arrest you for it, there are too many people in the world committing p****y for them to arrest individual people.

  17. nothing bad will come strictly from LimeWire, but you might want a good spyware/ virus program to scan the music you download.  I personally prefer Morpheus, it is much easier to use and usually has more music.  I have only had one or two incidents where i picked something up, but AVG picked it up and deleted it when i scanned the music. no big.

  18. Its not illegal to have it, its just illegal to use it. I would NEVER EVER EVER download anything .exe .msi or ANYTHING that is not .mp3 .wav .ogg or any other AUDIO Extension. Not even video because that could launch links to dirty sites. Get it for music if you must. But if you want movies and programs. Then your gonna need a bigger boat.

  19. Limewire is a sweet program. Don't worry about the trails unless your totally sharing everything and leaving your computer for like years at a time. Watch out with DLing tooo many movies at a time. I would actually use bittorrent for that kinda stuff. I do use limewire for music and really once i get my song i use it ipod it then maybe dump it unless i need it u kno? get an external HD also that might help stick it on there and take it off your downloading folder so theres no trace back to Limewire. Dont be scared eveyone does it well most people that i kno even... haha

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