
Should i invest in glasses?.?

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So im a 15 year old highschool student and i went to the eye doctors for a eye exam, because i've been having blurred vision in one of my eyes and it has been hard to conentrate on teachers at the front of the room(it's as if their faces are all fuzzy). And the eye doctor made me a perscription for .50 glasses just for the one eye so they will level out a bit between the two. and im not sure if i should get them or not.. I had the eye exam about 6 months ago and it seems like my eyes are getting worse.. i dont want to hold on to not getting glasses and my eyes end up getting worse.. so if you could give me advice on if i should get them or just put up with it...

Thanks :).




  1. please get them !! my sister has the same problem , only she waited longing and lingering and developed myopia !! nearsightedness.  get them !!!!! please

  2. ur eyes are just beginning to change

    they are most likely gonna  keep changing if u dont help them see

    wen ppl see something tht is blurry...they squint to help them see it.. and wen they squint they are straining their eyes to allow them to see better..

    so that is making them worse..

    my advise is to get glasses!

    cause even if u dont think u r squinting..

    u most likely are cause the brain knows thts wat helps u see clearer..

  3. That prescription is pretty light, but if your vision is causing you discomfort, now is the time to get glasses. If your prescription changes, you can always have the lenses swapped out while keeping the frame.

    BTW, wearing or not wearing glasses wont influence the changes in your prescription- drastic changes are perfectly normal during your teenage years.

    The best thing you can do is go for comfort. Buy glasses, wear them when you want to, don't if you don't.

  4. you need glasses. I got glasses at 13 with the same problem you have, and I've had them now for 10 years. At first I really didn't want to get them either, and it was so weird wearing them for awhile at first. But at school I was able to see things so much more clearly and sitting in the back of the classroom was never a problem anymore. You can get really stylish glasses that look nice. I love my glasses now and I think I actually look better with them!

  5. Get the glasses- would you watch a blurry tv or a hd tv screen?  I'd buy online glasses- they're cheaper.  Shop around, they all have different prices, I get mine from, all the frames there are $29AU.

  6. To answer in one word: Yes.

    Invest in glasses. A prescription is a recommendation from a doctor. If you were sick and went to your pediatrician and they prescribed you something to help, you would certainly go fill that at the pharmacy, correct? This scenario is similar. You had a complaint, a problem ("blurred vision + hard to concentrate on the teachers at the front of the room") and you went to the eye doctors and left with something to help relieve your problem...a prescription for glasses.

    There are a couple of reasons that people don't get their glasses right away even though they need them. At your age it may be associated with appearance, however I find that the number one reason for most patients is the cost of glasses. As you said, "invest."

    Now, before you go out and get a new pair of glasses I would recommend calling the doctor's office to see if they can see you for a vision recheck since it has been roughly six months since your exam and you've noticed that it seems to be getting worse. This will depend on your insurance and the doctor's individual practice policies, but if you stress your concern to be seen and let them know that you are going to invest in a pair of glasses, most will be happy to help you.

    In addition, you'll be driving soon and glasses will be of a great benefit (and safety!) for you behind the wheel. You shouldn't have to just "put up with it" because you don't want to invest... there are price ranges for every budget that will help you see better.

    Plus, picking out frames is a lot of fun!

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