
Should i keep my tattoo?

by  |  earlier

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split up wiv my b/f last week then got totally drunk on nite out with mates. had tattoo done wen i got home now i regret it, MAJORLY.

its just two words, dont know wot was goin thru my head, the word i had one was S*L*U*T*T*Y BI*T*C*H. maybe cos thats what he kept telling me i was cos of the way i dress. i feel so stupid now, cannot wear any revealing clothes anymore and dont know what 2 do. dont know anythin bout tattoos can i get i taken off will it leave permenant scar?

any help wd be most appreciated. some of my ''friends'' tell me 2 leave it is kinda cute.

the tatoo is on my lower back..




  1. When they remove a tattoo this give you this weird lotion c**p that makes you skin grow back perfectly

  2. definitely get it lasered off. it will give people the wrong impression of you. the scarring will be minimal.

  3. yeah get rid of it.

  4. get it covered up with another tattoo.

    preferably one without expletives

  5. You should do what makes you feel most comfortable.  Personally, I would remove it because it is negative.  Here is info on tattoo removal options if you do remove it or cover it up with another design.

  6. If it makes you that uncomfortable, cover it. It's the easiest and cheapest remedy. You could probably do a floral print over the top of it and hide it just fine. go see an artist and see what they think.

    also i would not recommend going back to the artist that orignially did it. I wouldn't trust an artist that would tattoo someone who is p**s *** drunk. Find a reputable artist and meet with them about it. the bad news is, your gonna have to let it heal because you can do anything with it. so get used to it for about a month or so because it's gonna be there. That'll teach ya to make decisions when yer drinkin. :)

  7. or you cud get another tat on the top to hide it like a rose or some thing go to the tat place and ask them to ''hide'' it with another pic!!!


    my dad had his ex-wife's name on him so he went and changed it to Casper the friendly ghost!!!


  8. Get something nicer tattooed over it. :-)

  9. I think you should get rid of it.

    I think it hurts to get it off, but dosn't leave a scar

    I still think it's worth the pain, cause you don't want to carry that for the rest of your life

  10. hahahahah.  

  11. Yes it will leave a permanent scar if you get it lasered. Plus it's going to be majorly expensive. It would be easier to go and have something tattooed over it.  

  12. i would leave it ! it may affect you at the start but when you look at it again you will remmeber never to do something you will regret!!!

  13. keep it put on the top of that

    i am not a



  14. i would leave it x

  15. just get it covered over with something else.

  16. TAKE IT OFF!!!!

    It will be a pain in the back but worth it.

    Drunk tattoos should be illegal.

    Think about it. How are you going to explain it to family at the beach or your kids in a few years.

    You will feel better if it is gone.

  17. i think you should get rid of it cause  what happens if you meet this serious guy that you really like you don't want him to think of you in that way cause he wants someone who could help him in his life and if you do get married he would want you to help with the kids hope this helps good luck! everything happens for a reason. and you will chose the best choice. and you could take it off when ever you want it doesn't have to be could be in three years from now.

  18. If you aren't sure about keeping a tattoo it's already too late.   You have a couple options:

    Remove It:   If you were some combat Marine I would suggest having it removed surgically.  But you're not, and there's a better option.

    Fade It, Replace It:  First of all check out this site because I've had bro's use it and it works.

    They claim to fade tattoos, and have sample images.  They also claim to be the only company to do this.  Even if it's not completely faded out, you can now get another more well-thought and sentimental tattoo.

    On the other end of the spectrum, I love your tattoo, my name is Michael, and you're not stupid for putting "S****y" whatever on your back.  It's perfect.   Lets go out on a date, I won't take you to McDonalds, or judge what you wear, and I don't have a hairy back.

  19. no, take it off.  people with tattoos look like they got out of jail.

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