
Should i kick this kids ***?

by  |  earlier

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there is this kid who is a follower and copies everything everybody does today me and my friends were throwing paper at each other and then he came in a ruined it and he snitches on everyone he is a douchebag to every one including me and i think im going to be the won that stops him should I ?




  1. yeah but the same thing happened to my friend (chelsea) and she messed with his mind lol.

  2. I am all in favor of violence, but this is a situation that would best be solved though insults.  You and your friends should belittle him and make him feel like he is a douche, but if that does'nt work, then you should kick his A$$.

  3. Pick other skills.  It's not your job to clean up dependent trash.  If he's copying you and it bothers you so badly, get creative and see just how far he'll follow you.

  4. Grow up.

    Why don't you act more mature, maybe he'll copy that.

  5. You could be charged with assult.  Why don't you spend time learning instead of throwing paper.

  6. reported for breach of Y!A ToS

  7. YES! that kid seams like a dEaUcEBAG and if i were you id punch him in the mouth.And the people who gives this a thumbs down rating are p***y school phsychologists lol .But yeah if he snitches on you for throwing paper you should kick his *** big time

  8. Kick his ***

    Go for it or just make a big scene in front of allot of people that will teach him

    and he will stop

  9. Don't kick his a**. Grow up.

  10. Ignore him.  I know tons of kids like that.  You'll just have to deal with it, even though he's so annoying.

  11. even though he is highly annoying, you have to go to school

    with him until you graduate, so try not to make enemies. since he copies yall, he obviously thinks yall are "cool" kids. just be nice to him, he probably looks up to you and your friends.

    Also, always remember this, try not to be mean to people

    and always be kind, you never know what is going on in their

    personal life.

    when i was in high school, there was a girl just like that to me and my group of friends. gosh it was so weird and annoying. my friends were all really mean to her making nerd and fat jokes and i was always the nicer one out of us. i look back and i am so glad i was never mean to her because she really is a good person.

  12. Yes, go ahead and do it. Then whine and sob and complain to us again when you get arrested for assault and battery.

  13. Why can't you just talk to him nicely i'm sure he will get the message?

  14. Tell him if he doesnt stop it ull kick his a** and then just see what happens. I think the rest is entirely up to you :D

  15. tell him to leave ya'll the h**l alone and just ignore him and i know peole have told u that time and time again but thats all u can do... deal w/ it... or u could beat his *** get suspined and its "one" not "won"

  16. sara b i agree with you sweet

  17. sayth the smackdown on his candy ***

  18. No you shouldn't! He has feelings too! How would you feel if someone kicked your a**?

  19. beat him up

  20. "whack him"

  21. You are so immature. Be the bigger person and try to make friends with him. Maybe he is just trying to get attention because he is friendless. Kicking someones butt isnt going to solve anything..

    But why are you asking us?? You are probably going to do it anyway because you sound like that type of kid.

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