
Should i leave him?

by  |  earlier

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i am pregnant and i have another toddler that is hard to manage but my fiance doesnt treat me rite he comes home and i will ask for a break but he will laugh and then start yelling and screaming kicking a fit! and he pushes the kid to the floor when he gets mad. he is a bad influnce for my son and since i am pregnant i don't want to put another child thro what my toddler is going through now. i try to push him away from my child and he pushes me to the floor. i don't know what to do because i am afraid he might hurt the child if i break up with him. plz help! what do i do?




  1. dump the looser a man does not hit a women or child, he needs a good *** kicking. does he have a father or brother that knows what he is doing. next time he starts off call the police.

  2. none of what you said makes since so the guy just walks into the house yells at you and slams his son to the ground for no reason

  3. don't get married too him. I would think that is a bad influence to your your child.  I would call the cops and tell them and maybe they could help. If you are nervise to break up, TELL THE POLICE!!!

  4. Chances are people warned you NOT to hook up with this jerk in the first place.Next not only did you make ONE baby with this jerk but you made a second one!Are you crazy hon?

    You have to ASK if you should leave a guy who behaves this way and shoves a little toddler down?If I were you,I'd bury a 12 inch cast iron skillet in the back of his skull call the cops and say he was about to kick a field goal with your toddler.However that's what I would do, you should go to the police tell them he shoved your kid down, and then while he is in jail,MOVE OUT,get a restraining order and ask the cops to help you move before he gets out.

  5. First of all he has no right to put his hands on u....and second domestic violence is considered child abuse!!! You deserve much better than that and so does your kids....I know it's easy for us to say because we're not in your shoes, but I was at one point. It will be hard but won't be hard forever! He either tries to make things right and get counseling and anger management and if not you should really consider moving on. Sorry u have to be going through this and I don't wish this on anybody. Just remember everything will be OK! Good Luck...

  6. Call an abuse hotline, call the police next time, go to family or friends to stay, womens shelter worst case, get out, it doesn't matter how, just pack what you need when he isn't there and go.

  7. You have to get out of this situation for your sake and your wee childrens' sakes. Please don't stay in a situation where your little ones' are at risk. There is nothing worse than growing up in a 'home' (house really as it's not a home), like that. Who do you have for support? Look to the people who will be able to help you. It sounds like you need to plan this well so that he cannot come near you or your children again. An advice line is a good place to start. Perhaps you even have to move to another town where you can't be found? You could go to a women's refuge too, you would be completely anonymous there. Protect yourself and your children and leave as soon as you can and try not to say anything that could lead you or your children into being harmed in any way until you get out.

    You poor thing, I know it's awful, but you have to find the strength to get out of this bad situation. What a loser of a 'man'. There are plenty of good people who will do lots to help you when you've made the decision to go! Good luck!

  8. you have to leave this man.  i can't believe you've let your toddler live with him for so long, don't do it again with the new baby.  if he tries to hurt you or son when you leave him, get a freaking restraining order.  i'm serious.  that man is a very bad person and you cannot trust him.

  9. Sounds like a dead ****! try talking to him but if you can't, and you can leave, you should walk.

    I hate arseholes like this guy!

  10. pack all of you stuff and child stuff while he is at work

    do you have a car?

    anyone to stay with?

    is he your childs daddy?

    how old are you?

    file for a order of protection

  11. your a troll!! i read your other questions your 14?

  12. Your first question you said you were 14 dating a 21 yr old

    When did you have your toddler?  when you were 12?  Who is the daddy?  Certainly not the 21 fling you meet at the park in your other questions.  Liar.  Liar. Liar.   Real women have real problems like this.  Shame on you for making this sh*t up.  Better hope karma doesn't come back and bite your stinken rotten lying childish @ss.

  13. I would go to the police. Your fiance does not seem safe from what you say. Go to the police and get a restraining order on him, that way he cant touch you or your toddler. Go live with family who will help you out until you can get back on your feet.
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