
Should i major in international affairs?

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I like history, love french, and am a bit interested in politics. I say a bit, because I don't want to get too involved in them, they're a bit too dirty for my taste. I'm not a very good public speaker, but well I can and will work on that! I'm a junior in high school right now.... so help please! Also, what kind of job in that field would suit me?




  1. If you are planning on doing a liberal arts degree, the truth is that  your major doesn't really matter so much as the degree itself, as far as getting a job goes.

    International Affairs sounds like it would very enjoyable for you, given your interests.

  2. What exactly is your ambition in life? No matter on what you major, if you do not have a straight forward focus of what you really want in life, you may end up with dozens of degrees and still be unhappy.

    What exactly do you think will make you happy, comfortable and enjoyable for life. Think of it

  3. sure if that is where you heart leads you

  4. International business may be more to your liking if you feel that politics are not your thing.  You will learn a bunch about world cultures and still be in the "know" if you ever decide on politics.

    I've worked in IB for 20 years and for the last 15 years as VP of Sales & Marketing for an international business.  It's been quite fun and I've learned so much.  

    Many young people( I've met) just starting out actually majored in International Affairs or Political Science and ended up working for a company because the pay is MUCH better than the political scene!  

    As for me, well that's another story how I came to be in IB!


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