
Should i move or not?

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FIrst of all my husband is in the army and is being stationed in FLW, MO at the end of Sept. I just started working as an LVN and i really love my job and don't want to leave. We also have an apart that the lease is not up till march, so i was thinking of just staying here in CA with my girls till the lease is up and like that i can get more experience in my job.





  1. First of all you can get out of your lease with official military orders. Secondly, for all you are separated from your husband with deployments, why would you want to be apart longer. Thirdly, the military will NOT move you if you stay.

    My advice would be just to move. LVN jobs are everywhere, and you will be able to work where he is stationed.  

  2. wow! what a delima, and so many lives will be effected by your choice! I am a military mom, and I have been to FLW it is very nice,  and jobs are the least of your conciderations. ask yourself about your relationship with your husband. I think that should be at the top of your pirority list? If not concider it. Our military men seem to come up short with their wives today. So moving with your husband is a sign of your comitment to him, and your girls need him now and may he always be with them, for no one knows what the future holds.  a mom

  3. as growing up a military brat and seeing my parents apart many times  during moves i see no problem with what you want to do (they are still married after 33 years). but if you feel you cant be apart from him for a long period then you may want to move. it all depends on if you can handle the separation without wanting a divorce. you will eventually have to come to terms with getting orders and living the military life plus you will get a chance to see the world so take it with a grain of salt and move when you are ready but dont wait to long  

  4. As far as the lease is concerned check and see if there is a military clause in it. I'm in the Army and have gotten out of leases because of transfer. But on the subject of staying back you need to discuss this with your hubby. How strong of a marrage do you have and being away from the kids stuff like that.

  5. You should probably look into jobs around the leanordwood area....also most apartments have military clauses where so long as you provide them a copy of military orders they will let you out of your lease,with 30 days may want to look into that.But your husband will not recieve BAH twice and wont be able to stay in the barracks and recieve bah,so all your money from your job in Cali will probably go toward your rent and other things....and you could probably,since you have over a month,look for your job in leanordwood.

  6. I'm with you, it makes sense for you to get more experience at your job and this will allow him to get settled at his new job. He can also get your name on the base housing list or look for a place for you to live when you do come in March.

    Getting more experience will help you get a better job in the new area where you are going to live...he can even bird dog jobs for you in the area.

  7. Well under the Sailors and Soldiers act you can break that lease.

    But I agree with you about staying with your job. I think it's a wise idea until things work themselves out. Plus you got a job you love and that not something you can find everyday.

    Good luck.
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