
Should i name my baby this?

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liv marie rose price i love the name but i am afraid the name is too long and people will think i named her after liv tyler but i didn`t what should i do?should i name her this or not




  1. It's a great name, try not to care what others think! It's great!

  2. You are having the child so you should name it as you choose. You should not take the opinion from strangers because you might regret that in the future.

  3. It's a long name. So maybe take out one of the middle names.

  4. Personally, I don't really like this name. I like Marie Rose,but not really Liv. Some other options:

    Elizabeth (Liz)








  5. If you love the name, then go for it.  I personally am not a fan of the name marie.  What about Madison or Madilyn?

  6. Olivia Marie Rose Price is better! Call her Liv for short!

  7. They're all short names so even though I would usually say 3 names is too much, it works in this case. I know someone that named their little girl Liv Ana. She's the cutest baby, so the name Liv has grown on me.  

  8. I think it's a gorgeous name.

    best of luck :]

  9. I think Liv Marie flows together, almost like a first name, then Rose fits like a middle name, and since the the last name is single-silible, I don't think it sounds too jumbled. I like it. And, Madison is waaay overused. Be original.

  10. I quite like Liv, Marie and Rose individually, but they don't flow very well together in this combo.

    Liv Marie Price would sound better already, but you could still do better on the middle name. I think something longer flows better with a 1 syllable name. Maybe beginning with A, J, N or S?

    Liv Alexandra Price

    Liv Josephine Price

    Liv Noelle Price

    Liv Samantha Price

    But actually, you should use Liv as a middle and find a longer first name, because you wouldn't use her full name very often, making her "Liv Price", most of the time.

    2 one-syllable names put together do not flow well at all and sound choppy.


    Alexandra Liv Price

    Josephine Liv Price


    would be better options (those names are only examples of course, but I suggest you find something with 2 or more syllables. better 3 or more).

    Btw, Liv Tyler herself was named after Swedish actress Liv Ullman and actress Julianne Moore has a daughter named Liv Helen.

  11. I like the name, I think it's beautiful. Maybe Liv Rose-Marie will sound shorter.  

  12. I don't think people would assume you named your child after Liv Tyler just because she has the same first name. If you were to name your child Liv Tyler Marie then they would assumer don't let naming your baby girl "Liv" bring you down just cause a celeb has the same name! I happen to love the name Liv Marie Rose Price, and i think you should just go with that name because YOU like it.  

  13. i think it i little long and it will take while to teach your baby to write her name

  14. i really like the name! i think its really pretty :)

  15. I like Olivia much better. Then you can call her Liv as a nickname if you like.  

  16. That name sounds lovely.

    It's fine the way it is. Don't worry about what other people say, she's your baby.

  17. I know you like what about Olivia?

    I'd suggest Olivia Rosemarie :)

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