
Should i play it?

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i am in grade 10 and i was thinking about joining the rugby team at my school. my parents dont want me to because they think it's too rough. i am 5 foot 7 and 110 lbs so im not really built for it. im also good at running, but long distance not sprinting. i am doing other sports right now. i downhill ski, snowboard, run, swim, i will be doing track and field and in the summer i waterski, wakeboars and barefoot. is it going to jeopardize my sports career. i dont want to really risk being out for the season with an injury. what do you think, should I do rugby or not?




  1. hey....i know how it feel...but in rugby you can learn the most important thing in your life(maybe) and that is MENTAL when you get schold or punch in the face..all you do is smile =)

    believe me...i know~

  2. I did rugby (in addition to lacrosse and ice hockey) and it was a blast.  It is rough though.  If you don't play in the scrum, you won't get as battered, but even as a back, you can still get hurt.  You can attend a few practices and see what you think.  I never got hurt in ice hockey, but did hurt my knee in rugby, as well as cutting my forehead.  But it sure is fun!

  3. My daughter was in grade 10 when she started playing rugby. She really wanted to play football but her AG kept telling her to give rugby a try (no pun intended). She did and was hooked (gee, I'm so darn witty) She loved the game and made the BC U19 team in her second year of play. No bruises, no scrapes or mild concussion would stop her, she kicked @ss until she injured a knee and with the way health care is in this province it took 2 years before she got reconstructive surgery. That pretty much put an end to her rugby career and it was brilliant. I can see it in her eyes sometimes she yearns to play, the game was everything to her. If you are prepared, go for it, you will never know what you are missing if you don't give it a try. Cheers!

  4. yeah sure, i doubt a girls team is gonna be rough, not trying to be sexist or anything.

  5. sounds like you shouldn't, but I'm a risk taker, so I would.

    You are to worried about  getting hurt to get out there and try your hardest.

    Don't risk it if you don't want to.

  6. if you want and you think you should then go for it.......I mean really explain to your parents what you feel is right for you and if u think its not a good choice then no.

  7. no!!!

  8. I think you shouldn't. You COULD get injured and like you said, you're not really built for it. And you're doing a lot of other sports, I doubt it'll hurt if you don't do this one.

  9. Give it a try, i started playing wen i was 14 against my mates who were alot bigger than me and it took me 4 years to get injured

  10. I love rugby. My son played football from pop Warner through high school. Married and has one child, he now lives in Virginia and he plays rugby for the Winchester cannons. Every chance we get we take a trip to Virginia to watch him play during rugby season. I must say though it is a tough sport and there is a good chance of being injured but if I were you I would go for it. A nice aggressive sport and the pubs are rather fun after wards too. Not that you'll be doing the pub thing but the adult rugby teams are usually sponsored by a pub, brewery or a beer corp.

  11. go 4 it i am a rugger and a football player and rugby has never jepardize my football career!!!

  12. I play rugby and ran cross-country so dont let the fact you are a distance runner stop you, the game is 80 min long so endurance helps!!!

  13. I saw this rather small girl just about kill this girl in the 250lb to 300lb range last year in 7's.  She hit her and flipped her completely over right in front of where I was sitting.

    Tough yes!

    Size matter, NO!

    Just play and learn how to play!

  14. yeah go for it! Can you kick and catch?

  15. if you are worried about getting hurt then you shouldn't play rugby. Rugby is a contact sport and with most contact sports you are bound to get an injury. I myself have been playing for 15 years and have broken bones, sprained ankles and other injuries, but i just play for the love of the game

  16. well do what ever ur heart wants! its ur child hould u should follow ur dreams! ;)

  17. its totally up to you really if u wanna play the best sport ever then go ahead if you dont then you might need your head checked :P

    but it doesnt really matter wot size you are there have been and still are alot of small rugby players like george gregan, jason robinson, niel back, shane williams etc and they are some of the best in the world ever.

    its up to you.

  18. Don't play if you are worried about getting hurt. If you are worried about getting hurt you WILL get hurt at some point. It is the greatest of sports to play but unless you are 100% committed then the risk is too high. It's not a game you can play unless you are prepared to get a bump every now and then.
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