
Should i play volleyball anymore?

by Guest45541  |  earlier

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ima junior in high school nd i play volleyball.i have played year round[school nd club] for 5 years now.since im a junior,my classes are much harder. nd i already experienced almost failing 3 classes in one week. im on starting varsity for my school and we are pretty good. this year we will be losing 9 of our varsity team out of 13 so 4 returners and i dont think we will be that good next year.. not even close to how good we are now. i am not planning on playing vball in college just because i would rather go to a good school then play volleyball. plus id rather focus on my studies[i want to become a doctor] im debating on playin club cuz it costs thousands of $, hard, time-consuming, far away, alot of traveling[that i actually like], didnt like the team i had last year nd that would be the club id be playing for.with some of those girls. i still dont drive so my parents hae to bring me there for practice. i think that it may be a waste to get all good nd go 2 school and suck




  1. my suggestion would be to stick with it. that is unless your studies are suffering.

    i played football in hs (im onlu 20 now) and i already miss it. ive started to gain a little weight and get out of shape. i have no fun athletic activity any more.

    as much as i thought i hated football at the time i would give anything to do it again.

    you only get 4 years of your life to play hs sports. you may be able to do some sports after hs (not refering to college or pro) such as volleyball, basketball, softball, etc. but its not the same. you dont get the practice and dedication you have in hs sports.

    with all that being said dont be the type of athlete that quits (or doesnt return) because you dont think the team will be any good. you know what happens if you do that? the team gets even worse because its lost one more player.

    as far as playing club... thats strictly your decision. i can see why things like money and extreme time consumption can get in the way, especially of your studies.

  2. i went through the same thing last year,

    and i decided to stop. It was hard at first cause i missed the 4 hrs of practices a week and of course the travelling and my friends,

    but when it came down to it, school came first.

    Colleges look at your marks first rather then your outside of school activities.

    After awhile i know i made the right decission cause my marks improved by over 20%, i could join other activities, i could hang out with my friends.!! which was amazing!!

    Dont drop volleyball completly though, cause you can never walk away 100% from it, and then you always have that regret. Just maybe stick with school volleyball, its alot calmer and it only lasts for 4 months.

    Hope this helped you :)

  3. Sounds like you really don't want to play anymore. If you don't enjoy it - don't do it. But I agree with above, please work on the writing and grammar, especially if you want to get into a top school.

    And about the vball bums? Lots of squats my friend :)

  4. i think you should stick with it can get rid of your stress.

    sports help me alot get over school and i know it will get better

    so just stick with it.

    live ur HS yrs

    and then think bout grown up world

  5. I really am not trying to be rude.  But I can't hold my tongue.  When I first started reading your question, I was forming some ideas in my head to convince you as to why you should stay in volleyball.  But after I finally got through your question and took two aspirin for my headache, I'm here to tell you to quit volleyball and take an extra English class.  Oh my god, literally, my head hurt when I finished reading this.  Actually there are only 3 things you need to learn; shift key, The ' mark, and spell check.

    Learning to communicate is a much better skill than volleyball.  I am far from a great communicator, but I have the sense to use the resources available to me to do a decent job.

    Trust me, I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to help.

  6. I think it all starts with grades. If you can vball and get good grades then do it. But if your grades suffer you gotta quit. But vball players have great butts. why is that?

  7. If volleyball is not in the picture of your future, you should stop it any time when you feel you have higher priorities.

    I know lots of players play club and school volleyball to add something to their paper so that they can get into a "better" school.

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