
Should i prank my friend?

by  |  earlier

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So me and my friend have been sharing the same Piczo (site) for over a year, but yesterday we had a fight and she changed the password and took the Piczo for herself. I wanted to get her back so i created an account for myself and tried to pretend to be someone else and become friends with her (so basically she doesn't know its me) I was just about to send her a message to start the fake friendship but i felt a little you think i should do it?

My plan is to talk to her, become her online friend for about a week and then delete my account without saying goodbye and just never mention the subject again.

edit: She did do a little bit more work that me on our site (since she knows more stuff on Piczo then me)




  1. That was a pretty b!tchy thing to do (not you her). I would get her back, but something more harsh. Something like, get alot of red ants, and put them on her while she sleeps. Now that's a prank.

    -BABYLANDY oxoxoxoxox

  2. well thats just being immature dont u think?

  3. I wouldn't waste your time, the best revenge is success.

  4. Yes

    -I didnt even read what you wrote but Yes do it

  5. i think if u prank her it wouldent be nice but u can talk with her and go over the problem

  6. thats mean,  i wouldnt if i was you she may suspect it is u  

  7. Ok so here's the deal.One time on the News a girl was talking to someone she saw on some chat website. I think it was My space.

    So then one day the guy the girl was talking to said he was leaving for good. Turns out the girl had a really big fight with her best friend. And the guy(lets call him Jim). So Jim was really the girls best friend's Mom. Then the girl(lets call her Linda).Linda didn't know it was her best Friend's Mom.

    She felt so bad that Jim left she hung herself.Hopefully this wont happen to your friend and you. I'm not telling you what to do but i will give you some advice. Just talk to her. Hopefully your mom or hers will make a fake acount on Myspace. But do you get what i'm saying? Hope you do well with your friend.

  8. Bad idea.  Try to resolve whatever the argument was about, if you think the friendship is worth keeping.  If it isn't, forget the old site and develop a better one of your own, with an unguessable password.  

  9. Yes, prank her.

  10. Don't do never know she can always find out it is you...By looking at ur ip address and stuff...Just keep it cool with her and talk to  her...Pranking her would just make u feel worse inside.

  11. I understand where your coming from and i can tell you now i would be really peed off! I'd proberly do something like that but proberly not that bad, i'd just make your own piczo and make it really good, better than hers and don't talk to anyone you don't know incase its her! Just wait because she'll proberly come crying back to you. But if she doesn't make new friends, go to sleepovers, get a boyfriend. And shes bound to come back to you in the end an if she doesn't, you have everything you need anyway!

    Hope everything goes well.


  12. So you want to hurt your friend.....that's just mean!

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