
Should i shave my pubic hair?

by  |  earlier

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im 15, and i have shaved it many times, i dont like it, however i have pe next year, im worried some one might notice its shaved, an i need to go to the doctor soon and im afraid of what they might think, yes iam g*y however no one knows, every one thinks im straight. so should i shave it yes or no




  1. I think you might be surprised at how many guys in your PE class actually do shave their pubes.  What you might try is just letting it grow for a month or so before class and once you have a chance to see what other guys are doing, then you can make up your mind.  It IS your body, but we know that teenagers can be very, very cruel when it comes to ganging up on someone, so you're probably wise to give it some thought, especially if you're worried that it could "out" you.  As for the doctor, not to worry - most doctors see so many crotches in their lives that they don't remember one from another - shaved, trimmed or monogrammed!  LOL

    I'll include a link that you might find interesting - note that there is more than one page.  

    Good luck!

  2. well you shouldnt really care bout what others think in the first place. its not anyones business whether u shave downstairs or not, docs wont really care cause its not their job to comment on your parts. the guys in the locker room shouldnt care and tbh they shouldnt even look at ur area but if they do see that u shave and they bring it up and youi dont want them to know ur g*y u can always say that the girls you've been with like it better so ye pretty much lie to them

    hope this helps

  3. No. Its better to have it there than have none at all. Its to boyish. And never shave for a woman.

  4. That is up to you. You might get teased in the locker room, your Dr will not care.

  5. which ever will look better....idk

  6. It is strictly your own choice, some men like and some do not. Docs have seen it ALL so relax.

  7. No dude i don't think so.Even g*y guys don't like shaving their pubes you'll look like a dude who never had puberty and like a kid.

  8. 1.  The doctor won't care....

    2.  In PE, you might get teased - if you do, just tell them that people get hair in their mouth, so you shaved it off - that'll make jaws drop... ;)

    3.  If you choose to have some growth, just keep it trimmed ultra short.....then you'll have that masculinity yet maintained look.


  9. lots of guys shave down there, straight or g*y.  so, you wouldn't be so out of place in the locker room.  and the doctor couldn't care less.  

    Go out of the circle:  take a razor and carve your initials down there.

  10. Do your thing. If you want to that'syou. That doesn't make you g*y.

  11. trim your pubic hair and totally shave your balls. Your doctor has had many patients that shave etc... so dont be concerned about their thoughts. I think once you see guys in the shower at pe you will see you arent alone in shaving and trimming.

  12. g*y or not, lots of guys do it.

    I'm 16 and I had a physical and I'm not g*y but I shaved my pubes.

    My doctor didn't care.

    It's whatever you like and whatever is comfortable for YOU.

  13. You mentioned you don't like it, then why do it? Being shaved makes you look silly, male or female. Trim it, but don't shave it. g*y man or straight, the bush is there to make you look sexual.

  14. Look at it this way, if you feel comfortable with it shaven or trimmed, then continue to do it.  The guys in PE or locker room or shower are going to look anyway; they are checking what you do to see if they feel like doing it also.  Just ignore them; and look at what they have done to their pubic hairs; you might want to try what they have done.

  15. Well, at 15, you could still be confused about your sexuality.

    Anyways, other than that, your doctor has seen this before, lots of people prefer shaved, and who cares what the guys in gym think? It's YOUR body. Do what YOU want with it.

    They really shouldn't be looking anyway, though we all know they do.

    Do what you want!

    Hope I helped =)

  16. well, i know its a big turn off to most women.. plus, cosmo says it means youre a p**n addicted s*x freak :) lol  

  17. no keep it natural it looks nice especially if you have a nice hair color

  18. No, I like a man with a bush.

  19. If you want to shave it go ahead.

  20. It sounds like you know what you want, so keep shaving. The only problem you might face is conflict. Just admit that you like shaving, if someone asks.

    Say "it doesn't itch as much" or something like that. Just be calm and I doubt you'll have trouble. Plus, there are plenty of straight and g*y men that shave/trim, so don't fret. Don't let anyone get you down about being g*y: it means you have more culture! = )

  21. Your doctor won't even notice, but your mates at school might, so maybe it's best to let it grow for the PE. Who knows? - You may find your mates are shaved as well ... lol

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