
Should i stand up to them?

by Guest33292  |  earlier

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My little cousin has just started secondary school (would probably be high school in america) shes 12, and very shy..this group of bitccches in my class have started picking on her..shes not farmiliar with what girls are really like just yet, but i do and have experienced it.. i feel i should do something.. this girl that is bullying her loves herself, and thinks that shes popular wen everyone doesnt like her...

so should i stand up for her, and if so!




  1. yes someone needs to stand up to them bullying is not a good thing don't let it go any firther yes your cousin may need to stand up for herself one day but she may be too shy what if this bullying goes too far one day you'l regret not standing up for her to be honest if it were me i'd rather have no friends than stupid bullying b*tches for friends those are not the kind of people to be friends with because one day you could end up becoming one of them either stand up for your cousin or tell a teacher or an adult this needs to be stopped before something serious happens or you could just slap them all lol  

  2. Well, you need to put those b*****s back in their place.

    Just tell them off!

    EDIT: And, chances are those girls won't take someone who's younger than them seriously, so YOU need to step up  :)

  3. dont. i have learned my lesson. now she needs to learn it herself.  

  4. heck yeah u should if u don't u would be called a very bad cousin that doesn't defend her lil cousin.. tell the teacher or a consular about this..

  5. hey i understand, you should stand for your family, trust me you'll find yourself hating yourself if you don't do somthing about it, you'l feel like a coward and stuff. Well you should probrably talk to the girl and try to make her stop in a peaceful way, if that dosn't work you should get adults involved like a teacher or a parent. im sure she'l stop after adults step in. And if she dosn't stop even after that just do what i do, ignore them and walk away, When people get ignored it hurts them a lot, seriuosly, it has hapened to me. Ohh and don't use violence because all that leads to is more violence and resetment. (before you turn around to walk away give them a little evil smile lol)

  6. shes 12? probably middle school or junior high in america

    yeah, you should stand up to her.

    and tell the girl who is picking on her to stop. and if she dosent after a while, tell a teacher or someone.

  7. Stand up for you're self and her and if teacher blames you tell her whats really going and for how long it has being going on.  

  8. slap the bitty in the face lol

  9. First of all, darling, I appreciate your concern for her, that's very thoughtful of you, but she's 12. She's a big girl, she can handle it. Give her some tips. You know that those girls are just gonna be even worse to her if you stand up for her!!! We all have to experience it, it's just part of life, and she needs the life lessons that she will get, in result of her standing up to them. Be the bigger person and "tutor" her in the subject of confidence. That's all she really needs, plus a few tips on standing up to these girls. I never had an older cousin or sibling, and I am fine, she will be too. Good luck, have fun, and stay beautiful ♥

    Additionally, if you are really concerned about her safety (this is beside the backstabbing and bitchyness), then she needs to talk to her principal, and if it seems like it's getting too out of hand, then she needs to talk to her principal. But, you have to think about the aftermath if you stand up for her. The girls will make fun of her because she can't stand up for herself? Do you really want that for her? Really, really think this through.

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