
Should i take it or not?

by  |  earlier

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i had cancer before, now i m healed! but, now my school n my principal collect a lot of donation n decide to claim insurance for me... but one of my friend now have leukemia... i ask my friend, they suggest i should let my friend have the insurance but my parent suggest to take the insurance for future emergency use... should i take it or not? if i take it, m i heartless? if i dun, m i stupid? please, tell me wad to do, i m so confused...




  1. Well i know you would be stupid not to take it, but there is someone else who need it right now more than you and the right thing to do is to let your friend take it, because right now she needs it more than you do. Selflessness pays off in the end.

  2. Take the money for future emergencies. This is your life you need to worry about and cancer can come back and you should be prepared.

  3. use it for your friend

    It's a nice thing to do :D


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