
Should i wake my hmaster up !?

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Is it ok to wake the hamster up ???




  1. Well, it's basically up to you. Hamsters are nocturnal and they don't like to be woken up.

    Picture this.

    You, sound asleep. All of a sudden someone just grabs you!? I don't think I would like that. How about you?

    When I was little, I would always wake my hamster up, and it was cute when it just woke up. It also didn't bite. But I can tell, hamsters don't like people waking them up for basically no reason.

  2. Of course you can. Just be sure do lt him know you are doing it. Talk to him softly or tap on the cage.

    Try to alert him that you are coming.

    If he does not startle, than just wake him up very carfuly and calmy.

    And be sure not to get bit!!! :-]

  3. If he looks healthy and is eating and drinking, leave him be.  Hamsters can sleep a lot.  Like 20 or more hours a day.  Lazy creatures.

  4. Sure. Why not?

  5. I think it would be best if you didnt wake him up. You can wake him up if there is something important but if you just want to play with him then just wait until it gets dark outside. If you just want to play with him wouldnt it be better to play with a wide awake happy hamster instead of a tired grumpy one? Just wait till he wakes up to play with him. You and your hamster will have more fun. :D

    Hope I helped! ^^

  6. No they need to get their sleep how would u feel if someone woke u just to play when u r really tired.

  7. If you want, but be prepared for a pissed off rodent that might even bite, mine does.

  8. hamsters are nocturnal leave him be until in the early afternoon like around 5:00 then it should be ok to wake him

    if you wake him up before he is ready to get up for the night (yes i know that sounds weird) he may nip at you, and  can you blame him

  9. depends on kind.if it dwarf then your fine,but if syrian it may bite or nip.

  10. Please don't wake him up because if you wake him up it will stress him then it will shorten his little hamster life. :[ If you want to wake him up in the day wake him up around 10:00 P.M. I wake my hamsters up around that time.  Good luck!!  =]

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