
Should my little sister get married?

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ok my sister who is 14 has dated this boy for 2 years now who is now 18 hes horrible and is no good for anyone so defenently not for her he has been to juvenile when he was 17 for 3 months for a dui and some drugs i parents have tried to keep them away but she rebells and dont listen. so now she got pregnant and since hes so much older than her DHR is trying to investigate and put him in prison for probly 10 years...the attorneys said that if they get married then he wont go to jail but i couldnt possibly let my sister get married at 14 especially with this drug head liar that will never be able to support her...please give me yaws thoughts on this situation.




  1. she can't marry without parent permission...

  2. obviously not.

  3. oh my goodness.  what is an 18 year old doing with a 14 year old anyways? looking for exactly what he got, except a surprise in between, you know?  i feel so bad for the situation.  your sister is probably all for it, but i can't even imagine going down that path when i was 14.  life was just starting.  i'm 18 now and jeez i still can't think of that - college is starting!  my life is changing still.  i would abort the baby, but that's a personal choice.  she could give it up for adoption.  I would definitely not let her get married at age 14, she doesn't know what love is, just lust i'm sure.  with such a stubborn sister, it's going to be hard to push her one way or another, but dont your parents have say in all of it?  such as if she can get married or whether or not she keeps the baby?  i'm not sure about the baby one, but i know in most states you have to have parental consent at a certain age to even get married.  in wisconsin here, you have to be 16 i thought with parental consent.  oh, what a mess.  :(  i'm so sorry about it all!

  4. She shouldn't. He's too old for her and irresponsible, and they would probably end up getting a divorce later anyway

  5. Whoa! What a bad situation to be in... Unfortunately, at least in GA, if a girl is pregnant even at the tender age of 14, she is now considered an adult. She CAN marry the guy without permission from the parents (in my state). However, the parents can try to object, and if she has the baby then they can also try to get custody of the baby if both parents (your sister and her bf) can be proven to be unfit parents.  

  6. let his azz go to jail. she's wayyy too young to get married and this would definitely be the wrong reason to marry someone.

  7. I'm telling you now, she got herself in a very serious trouble. This is the trouble when teenagers idolizes Britney Spears and her sister Jamie Spears. This is the result of Hollywood's evil example.

  8. Let him go to jail.  He should not have been having s*x with a minor anyway!!!  He needs to go to jail and grow up.  

    Do not let this child get married.  She will be treated terrible by this man, and have a miserable life.  He is not worthy of her.

  9. DR. PHILL .......////

  10. no one should should be married at 14 willingly. if she does it she is gonna regret it till the day she dies.

  11. I doubt that your sister can get married without your parents' permission.  No way should she marry this guy.  Let him do 10 years in prison, it might help him shape up.

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