
Should my parents adopt?

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im 16 years old. my parents want to adopt from china but not a baby, a 4 or 5 year old. we are actually living in china right now because of my dad's job. he is 51 and my mom is 41. should they adopt?




  1. i dont think so

  2. If your parents truely wish to adopt a child in that age range, and you feel that they are good parents, then I would support their decision. There are many 4-5 year olds in Chinese orphanges who have little chance of being adopted. Make sure they realize though, that adopting a school age child who have been living in an orphange has it's challenges, and that the child will need a lot of support and understanding adjusting to their new life, and may have attachment issues. I would suggest they talk with other adoptive parents who've adopted older children internationally so they will be prepared to meet the child's needs.

    The previous poster doesn't seem to understand that it would be nearly impossible to locate the first/ birth family due to the fact that placing a child for adoption in China requires the child being abandoned, with no identifying family information. This is because of "one child only" policies inforced by the Chinese government, and not the family's need to be "fostered" or financially supported.

  3. uh wow why on earth would some want to adopt a 4 or 5 year old that's like the worst age, but still its up to them.

  4. Sure - if they choose to. It isn't your call - you are their child so if they do it and you don't agree, well tough luck. You'll have to adjust and welcome your new sibling.

  5. Opening a home and their hearts to a child that may need them is wonderful. I think that their age does not matter and as long as it is a selfless act then it can be done. I always put myself in someone else's position...Imagine if you were this child that needed someone. I would be proud of my parents and remember their lve for you will never change, they have enough love for you and more.

  6. I think they should.  

  7. My adoptive father was 43 when I was adopted. There is a huge generation gap between us (he's really old enough to be my birth mom's father!).  It's given us some problems as I've grown up. But, if you parents are willing to take the chance, I'm sure that the adopted child would appreciate a nice family.  

  8. they should adopt if they want to. it's a personal decision that shouldn't be made on a whim. the decision should be made as a family because it will affect everyone. and, with you being 16, it will greatly affect your life.  

  9. y would u want to know if they should adopt from strangers do u want them to adopt

  10. I would suggest to your parents if they are living over there to seek out the parents of the children in the orphanages and see they can reunite them and foster the family so they can stay together. It would be cheaper financially as well as more beneficial to the children.

    Thats what Jesus would want,right.

  11. yea they should it doesnt matter how old your parent are to adopt. if they will love the kids there then they should i was adopted my parents now are older then my birth parents  

  12. All in all, it's up to then, but if they are financially stable, healthy, can afford another child, aren't too busy to "start over" in raising children, then I think it's a great idea.  My parents just had another baby and she's 41 and a great mother.

  13. Yes they should.Ignore the jackass a few spots  above me.No one ever gives the older kids a chance & that's why the stay in foster homes for years.I plan on adopting too when I'm stable.Just think about your family could be helping someone who really needs it.Not enough people care (like the ones above me).

  14. I think that would be a really selfless thing for them to do. If they have the means, and you all agree, then why not? You might as well bring someone into your life who needs you.

  15. It is really not your decision. However I will say that my sister adopted an almost three year old from China. He has been the best thing that has happened, and she has provided him a life that he would otherwise have.

    You will be out of the house in the next few years. I would say to support their decision either way, but know how much happiness it can bring both the child and the family.

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