
Should parents read diarys?

by Guest44598  |  earlier

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to me someone reading my diary is like being naked to the mom read it yesterday...i find this a complete invasion of i'm serious about this guy...i'm 14...hes mom recently caught me smoking and i quite realizing how bad it is...and not wanting to lose my bf.... so my question is should she have read my diary...i had personal things n there really...and now shes pissed at me.




  1. That is stupid.

    No one, not even your mother should deserve to look into your privacy.

    My parents let me do whatever I want. And say that if I do something wrong, they will find out about it sooner or later.

    I'd smack that *****.

  2. i told my kids that if they keep a diary that i will read it possibly.  

    i told them if they dont write anything interesting, that i will be disappointed and so they should be as creative as possible.  lol

    they have diaries but hardly write anything in them lol

    i used to keep a diary in my teens and 20's (still do in a way) and my dad read something about him in the diary and chucked the entire diary into the garbage.  what you dont want people to read, dont write it in a keepsake i guess, if you are going to worry about the consequences.  :)

  3. I think that if a child is showing some questionable characteristics, such as those commonly associated with out of control children, then I would think it's ok. Other than that it is in my opinion an invasion of privacy.

  4. Being a parent of a teenager as well, I believe that we are responsible for the well being of our children.  Your mom obviously loves you very much and wants to make sure that you are making good choices...especially, because you are a girl, pregnancy can be a factor.  Since we can't hold our children's hand 24/7, we have to keep our eyes open in other ways, even snooping through our kid's rooms.  You are right, your privacy is invaded, but, since you're a minor, your parents are responsible in raising you and care what happens to you...Remember, your mom was in the same boat years ago with her parents...Luckily, there are still parents out there, like your mom, who are concerned for their children...It means she cares, I can promise you that.  But, you two should really sit down and talk about what she read in your diary.  Maybe this will open the lines of communication more.

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