
Should pitchers do heavy lifting?

by Guest32297  |  earlier

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My baseball coach seems to love heavy lifting. He was the catchers coach at LSU back in the mid 90's and he loves lifting especially for pitchers. Does that even sound right?




  1. Lifting with the arms or the legs? Pitching is mostly legwork

  2. for pitchers myself being one for almost 8 18 now, heavy lifting for the lower body is good. You establish a good base and most of your push-off power is from the legs. If you lift heavy with your upper body and get too big it can limit your arm flexibility and can force you to throw the ball in a manner that is unnatural and can cause major damage.

  3. No, light weight and high reps is the way to go. This being because this trains the fast twitch muscles that are mainly used for pitching. Pitchers rely on that explosion off the mound for speed.

  4. No you shouldn't the velocity that comes from pitching is pitching with your body. Throwing with your body is more powerful than throwing with your arm. You see those skinny pitchers throwing upper 90's that with their body. Maybe you coach just likes looking at his muscle... Lol. Hope I Helped.

  5. no it count strain you and you wouldn't be able to pitch, you should lift though not hevy lifting

  6. If your coach was at LSU for a while, he probly knows something about what he's doing. Lifting is good in the off season and after your starts, or after you throw. You have to find out what works for you, but you should definately lift, and it is ok to do heavy lifting, just not within a day or two of throwing.

  7. not heavy lifting. the best thing to do for a pitcher is run. their legs r the most important part of their delivery

  8. No they could strain their pitching arm and never pitch the same.

  9. With their legs is probably better to get stronger legs. But arms is ok but don't build bulk build density. Like smaller weights for arms is better to build the density and not the bulk.

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