
Should planning a wedding be difficult?

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If I know what I want, and the groom knows what he wants, then shouldn't it be easy to plan, instead of causing arguments?




  1. It should be fairly easy if you both know what you want.  Just don't sweat the small stuff and allow your fiance to have some say so, especially on the big decisions.  Have fun!

  2. No!  When I planned my wedding many moons ago, we both found out the stuff we wanted ahead of time, and gues what it worked.  But each couple is different.

  3. As long as what you want is the same.

    There's usually things that come up as it's just stressful, especially if you're also having input (wanted or not) from your families and the attendants.

    Just try to keep it light and it'll go pretty smoothly...just don't expect no bumps at all, because you'll probably be disappointed.

    Good luck!

  4. Not necessarily. There's a lot to coordinate, minus the stress of actually being married! You've got venues, cake makers, caterers, table cloth and chair cover rentals, musicians, DJs, officiates, bridesmaids, groomsmen, and a lot more....thats a lot of c**p to deal with! You're bound to run into some problems. Also, a wedding, unfortunately, is not always about just you. You also have to please both sets of parents, anyone donating money to the wedding, and even bridesmaids and groomsmen...not to mention the guests!

    So yes, it is complicated, but it doesn't have to be bad. Relax, go with the flow, and if you run into arguments tell yourself, "is it really that important to me?" If you become really stressed, a wedding planner would be your best bet. Good luck!

  5. Sure, assuming that what you want and what he wants are the same thing.  But, they're probably not--hence the arguements.  

    Planning a wedding can be as easy or as difficult as you make it.  But, you are probably going to have to compromise at least a few times during the whole process.  Unless you have an unlimited budget, you probably aren't going to get EVERYTHING you want.  Prioritize what you want to spend your budget on, pick a few key things that are important to you, and let him do the same.  Marriage is all about compromise, if you can't do it while planning your wedding, you need to think about the big picture--a wedding is 1 day, your marriage should last a lifetime.

  6. Wedding planning can be as easy or as difficult as you make it. You can make things harder on yourself by not thoroughly planning. However, you've said that you both know what you want. I would think that it should be rather easy to plan it out.

  7. It can be even if you both know what you want, that's when having a wedding planner comes in handy.  You are going to need someone to help take the burden off and referee and keep you on budget.  Where is the blessed event taking place?  If it is in the NYC or surrounding area then I know of a good wedding planner, her name is Vanessa and her company is the Party Planning Diva, you can email her to set up an appointment (I believe she does have free consultations for new clients) at or check her out on myspace

  8. Yep.  Should be easy if what you want and what he wants are roughly the same thing.  My guy and I have some differing opinions mostly because he is still hung up on having a big wedding (despite having had previous weddings) and I only agreed to a small wedding because of him (I just wanted to get married at the courthouse).  

    Most of the stuff we are doing is already decided because either venue will already be decorated with holiday flowers and decor.   My issues are mostly those of cost and what can be reasonably done just before a wedding, as I have no guarantee of helpers. My suggestion is just buy a bottle of wine to have handy to sit back and drink and close your eyes and take a break.

  9. If you both know what you want, know that it is easy to get and have the funds necessary it shouldn't be difficult.

    The problem people run into is when they need to nit pick everything (the dresses are a shade off, etc).

    Our planning was super easy, we were very laid back and everything fell into place naturally.  And we planned everything in less than 8 months.

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