
Should shark fishing be banned?

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im just wondering what some people think




  1. no shark fishing should not be banned...or have catch and release only there should be a limit and there is....people dont seem to see the difference in people killing any animal or an animal killing another animal, people and animals kill for the same reason...FOOD so people need to wake up and realize there is no difference


  2. Not if it is just catch and release. Commercial Shark fishing should be banned.  

  3. No it's not. There's lots of them, and even if we try we'll never get them all and they eat the smaller fishes that we eat, so if we get the sharks there'll be more fishes for the rest of us, yum!

  4. Why would anyone want to do that?  

  5. DEFINETELY! i mean itll be ok if there was an overpopulation of sharks but there isnt! and itll all b too late if a species becomes extinct.

    i think its very wrong to hunt animals cos they do have feelings just like us. for example a dog bites a child - what happens to the dog? it gets put down. somebody kills a shark - what happens to that somebody? nothing! however i dont act on what i think is right. like im not a vegertarian or anything.

  6. i dont think shark fishing should be banned. i think they should put limits on how many sharks should be took a day. then they could make shark fishing strictly catch and relase

  7. yes it should be banned, heaps are killed & left to die in agony also .

    .sharks are needed in the oceans for all sorts of BANN the killing of them...........

  8. Commercial shark fishing yes, for the simple reason that many sharks are being killed for their fins, sport fishing for sharks so long as its catch and release no.

  9. To tell you the truth shark fishing should'nt be banned but it should not be greatly encouraged. To mess with mother nature is about the dumbest thing you could do.  

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