
Should singles adopt?

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It's something I've thought about for a few years and was wondering what y'all thought about it. Don't be harsh, I'm just making converstation and would really like to hear your opinion. Thanks!




  1. I think one person is perfectly capable of caring for a child. All a child needs is unconditional love and it doesnt take two people to do that! I say go for it and good luck!

  2. You know, it's funny.

    This society is so quick to take children away from their mother because she is single.  That's one of the biggest reasons why women reliquish...they are made to feel like being single is not "fair" and that the child "needs" a two parent home.

    Yet we are just as quick to say that yes, a single parent can ADOPT a child, no problem with that whatsoever.

    I wonder why that is?

  3. I think two-parents homes are ideal, but we don't live in an ideal world.  A loving, stable single-parent home is certainly better than a revolving door of foster families or group homes.  So to answer your question, yes, singles should absolutely be allowed to adopt.

  4. If you think this is what you want to do and are ready for it then do it. One loving parent is better then none at all or two none loving parents.

  5. Absolutely, there are so many children in this world that would benefit from having one loving parent.

  6. yes i think you can be single and bring someone into this world to help it would be great.

  7. Why not, and Muslims don't hate you, just come with me next time. :)

  8. yeh they can i'm sure

    just make sure someones on your side

  9. If you have lots of time, money and patience, go for it.  Time is a huge consideration. Is your job flexible enough so that you can "be there" when needed. Do you have a big income that is stable so that you can provide opportunity and advantages to your child? Lastly but very important, are you somebody that has lots of patience and compassion as you will need it if you don't. The fact that you are single is going to make all of the above even more important because you will be the sole parent and I am not saying that is bad because one excellent parent is much better than two mediocre ones. You will just have to be a very exceptional person to pull it off and do it right and have to meet all the above criteria. I personally think having children and/or adopting should be a privilege and require some pretty rigid and strict regulations in order to do so. Most people have kids for the wrong reason, i.e. to make them happy and it is absolutely not about them at all and the poor kids get terribly neglected and go through life lonely, depressed and without a clue as to why.

  10. I don’t see why not there are a lot of single parents out there that didn’t adopt. They are single parents for a number of reason and it isnt always their choice but sometimes it is.  The ideal world would be a mom and dad, but that is not how it is. There are all types of families.  If a single person can provide for the child, give him or her a loving and stable home. Then having a single parent is better then living in the Orphanage or being in the Foster Care system.

  11. if a single parent was willing to take on that responsibility and had the time and money to do it then yes definitely every child deserves a home and shouldn't have to live in foster homes with almost nothing...

  12. I say  why not !!  Because as long as the single person is able to provide for the child or children. What   reason does it matter it they are single or not

  13. I think the ideal place to raise a child is in a two-parent (mom and dad) home.  However, a single parent is better than being shuffled from foster home to foster home.  If there is a two-parent home available, I think that's where the child should go, but if not, the child should go to a single parent before spending one more day in foster care.

  14. sure why not? just makes sure you ahve the time, money and patience

  15. Yes!!

    Single people can make great adoptive parents. As long as you are emotionally, physically, and financially stable, then you can adopt! You don't have to be married, rich, or even own a home.

    As long as you have enough love, and time for a child, then you'd make a great parent.

  16. I think singles shouldn't be discouraged or disalloed to adopt.  sure, it is supposedly two people raising a child but it doesn't exclude singles like me who is independent, emotionally ready & willing to love a child.

    I guess the real basis should be the envinronment where to raise the kid, the adoptive parent's stability financially & emotionally.

    I have been planning to adopt...

  17. yeah why not but if you ask me a married couple might be better so it has a adopted mom and dad!.

  18. Well, if singles were not allowed to adopt, my 3 children would either be in orphanages or on the streets. So of course I think singles should be able to adopt.

    I also think that any setting where a loving and secure family life ( one parent, 2, L*****n or homosexual) is a viable alternative to institutionalizing children or having them survive on their own. Children that do not know love, often grow up as adults who can not love. Children that are not able to be taught right from wrong, acceptance, obtain education, understand the unconditional love of a parent, all suffer through out life. Can a single person or any non-traditional family setting have issues? yes, but with the large percnetage of divorces out there, so can any traditional family.

    The challenge is opening our eyes and being able to see the heart & mind of the adopting person (s). There are some parents that adopt who should not, there have been children that die, are molested or other abuses in both adopted and natural born to families. But are they in general the single parents, not from the statistics I have seen.

    I used to  wonder, if I should adopt as a single parent. However, my son proves to me every day, that yes this has been wonderful for both of us. Adding 2 more will be a challenge as the come home in 3 weeks, but having spent several weeks with them already...I know that no matter what I can give them, it will be more than they would have without me and I will be happy every day as I see them and hold them together as a true family.
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