
Should the NHL continue .......?

by  |  earlier

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the instigator rule and the diving rule? or should they abolish one or the other or both?





  1. The instigator rule should be gone. When somebody takes a run at your best player, its the enforcers job to go after that player and protect his teamates. So why should he get a penalty for doing his job? As for the diving one keep it in. We dont need people like Avery making the NHL look like a kids league

  2. They need to keep both. And I disagree on the calling both a penalty and dive on the same play. A player can get cross checked w/o falling down and get the penalty called. But if they do a lot of acting and flopping about to make sure the ref sees it, that's a dive and it should also be called. It's a subjective call.

  3. d**n! I thought you meant should the NHL continue as a sport or be banned! I was about to give you a star!

  4. It is part of the game so if they dont call it diving or instigator it would fall under the unsportmanlike conduct rule and the league is never going to due away with that rule.  so i guess it really doesn't matter how you call it.

  5. Get rid of both and get rid of the slashing calls when the stick is slashed and there is no contact with the body. They should also let people battle in front of the net. Call holding in front of the net, and unless it is a vicious slash or a high or vicious cross check, let them battle in front of the net.

  6. they have to have the instigator to protect the weaker players from getting forced into a fight they want no part of. and the diving rule is rediculous. if u think a player dove, then dont make a call, pretty simple.

  7. They're both good penalties, but diving should only be called for the dive. No more calling the penalty and the dive, that's ridiculous. Instigator is too protect guys who don't want to fight, so it's okay. I say keep both rules, but abolish the calling of the dive and the penalty.

  8. the instigator rule needs to stay, if you start the fight you should get something extra.

    the diving rule on the other hand needs to be fixed it is a dumb rule, most times that it is called they call someone 2 minutes for tripping and the other player 2 minutes for diving.

    that just doesn't make any sense if someone tripped a player how is it a dive

  9. Take the instigator rule out.  The players can police themselves.  If someone starts a fight with someone not willing or able to handle themselves, let the players take care of it.  I would leave the diving rule in with an adjustment.  I would allow the referees to call it whether a penalty is being called against the other team or not.

  10. You can't really get rid of the diving rule.  It is a necessary part of the game.  The NBA is now looking at ways to add their own version of the rule.  If they got rid of it, there would be bodies flying everywhere, looking for an easy 2 mins.

    The instigator, however, should be tossed.  It's no longer necessary, and hampers the intensity of games.  Teams would need to add more grit and fighters, which is exactly what needs to happen.  The game is getting far too soft.

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