
Should the bankers be jailed?

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The world of finance which affects each and everyone of us is in turmoil and yet the people responsible for this horrendous mess stay untouched.

As the international banking and finance business is protected by governments in a way that no other business is, shouldn't the people who run these businesses have to be more responsible for their actions.

It may make them behave more resonsibly if they knew that they would go to jail for a long time should their businesses go belly up because of their mismanagement and greed.




  1. Absolutely, and not expect American citizens to pay off the debt they are responsible for creating.  We had to pay for the S & L scandal--enough is enough.

  2. Absolutely or at least severely penalised. They get huge bonuses when succesful they should pay heavily when they mess up.

  3. Did you hear that the chairman at Bear Stearns was playing bridge all day Friday when his bank collapsed?!  What a joker Mr Cayne is....... maybe they can't play it in jail?!!!

  4. CEO of Bear Stearns should be imprisoned for life, or at the least suffer all of the litigation Ken Lay did after Enron.

    Saint Alan Greenspan was encouraging these adjustable mortages a few years back.  The fools who loaned and chose these monsterously atrocious loans should get what the deserve, defaults.  The tax payers of America should not be forced to take over these garbage loans.

  5. I understand what you are saying but think your question should be broadened to include investors and share holders.

    Every one of these people put their own personal greed before the good of their fellow man.

    A banker, shareholder or investor, at the first sniff fo a poor return on their money, will wrench their funds out of a company and cause chaos and misery for everyon involved.

    They dont look at the fact that if their funds were left in place, then their is a possibility that the market will recover, they only look at the fact that Today they are not making as much as they want and they withdraw.

    The sheer greed of these people has caused more misery, suicides, divorces and unemployment than any world war has ever done.

    These people are the worst that you could ever wish to meet and we can only hope that every one of them suffers severe financial misery.

  6. Yes yes yes yes and yes.

  7. Should they?

    Decode this lyrics " Say you say me"

    Did anyone trace the faults to find out where have we gone wrong?

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Or we kick them on the butts and run them out of town?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Are we not part of all the mess out there?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  8. I often wonder if some of this `turmoil` is manufacured.

    I mean, all this money disappears into some vague black hole....mostly investor`s or pension or saver`s money.

    So where does it go! I have my suspicions.

  9. god yes

    you for P.M


  10. Your comments have quite restored my faith in humanity!However could we apply your very sound principles to all those in so called positions of authority who laugh at the rest of us on a daily basis.

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