
Should the dad get more time?

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I'm 16 and have a 4 month hold her father is 16 and we're not together. It's set up that he gets her thursday for an overnite. He wants more time but i just don't know. I know he loves her to death though. Also he pays 200 a month in child support is that good?




  1. Okay if your ex/father of the child is such a good father then why don't you give him more time? Imagine you get the kid most of the week, it would hurt you if you could only see your child once a week for an overnight. Maybe give him two days. He seems like a responsible father and you should reward him because not a lot of men are like that nowadays. ESPECIALLY A 16 YEAR OLD ! As a parent you always want what's best for the child and what's best is that she or he get's to spend time with both parents no matter what age.

  2. don't you think he should see his child more than 24 hours a week? that is four days a month...

    shame on you... how would you like those numbers???

  3. If he has someone to supervise him while the child is in his care then yes let the baby spend more time with him. If you can take care of this child at 16 so can he. He sounds like a responsible young man, he pays his child support and wants to spend more time with the kid. Let him.

  4. Kids need both parents.  He sounds like a good guy.  He is paying more than alot of adults.  You will want to have time to yourself once in a while.  He sounds trustworthy.  It is not up to you by the way.  Any court in the country would give him visitation of at least every other weekend, and four weeks in the summer.  My best advise is to never use the child as a weapon to each other.  Try to stay out of court, and act in the best interest of the child, putting your needs and wants secondary.

  5. money helps but if he loves her you should let him spend more time with her. alot of guys would have just ditched you and her and not wanted anything 2 do with either of you. his love for her is a good thing and you should let him say have her thurs and fri night that gives you more free time also. I'm sure at your age you could use the break.

  6. Personally I think he should get to see her during the day, not an overnight-er. I would give him a little more time, making sure it is during the day. A four month old shouldn't be away for her mommy overnight once a week, come on.

  7. it's important for a child to have a solid, good relationship with the father.  fathers should be equal parents as much as possible.  yes, give him more time with her - it's the best thing for your daughter in the long run.

  8. You're lucky that your baby's dad wants to spend more time with her and that he pays child support, especially since you're both so young.  Maybe give him another night, or a full weekend day. Your child needs a father in its life and you should appreciate it and acknowlege it.  It's scary for you cause you aren't with your child and I can completely understand that; however, it is his baby too.  

    If he was a bad father than I would completely understand your apprehension.  Trust him more with your child.  If he does something to make you not trust him than take the visitations down again.

  9. Really I think you need to add up how much you pay monthly for the kid. I know with this depression of our economy you have a lot of other things that come up as well. but once you are able to properly add up all the things and luxuries the kid need - You will be able to get him the right price. Some times you are able to handle things like adults and don't get child support involve because sometimes that's messy.

  10. Well $200.00 is certainly not enough to raise a child off of these days but I must give him "props" for making a honest attempt, I mean some men much other then him don't pay any support so I do give him credit for that, and the fact that he is trying to be a Dad is GREAT you should only be so grateful!  I think you should sit down and have a talk with him and let it be know that this baby is a lifelong commitment and if he is going to be apart of his/her life he needs to be there always, because you certainly wouldn't want your child to get attached to someone who is going to leave them in the end. But ultimately the best thing for a child is two parents and hey the more the merrier you can never have too many people care for your let him have more time, I mean it will give you a break OR if you are weary about leaving your baby more time, try and do things as parents together that way you both get the pleasure of spending time with your child!

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