
Should the name Soweto be changed?

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Soweto (South Western Townships) was a name given by the apartheid government to areas reserved for blacks, as part of the South African governments drive to eradicate the apartheid legacy and any vesige of white colonial rule should this name not be changed too?

I propose Madibaburg.

What do you guys suggest/think?




  1. To be honest I always though Soweto was Zulu or Xhosa.

    So I have learnt something new today :)

    I agree with Res on this one. It's pathetic that people think changing a name of a town or city should be done because it's status and rule has changed. It's just a name for goodness sakes. People are starving there and all they can think about is changing a name because it was given in Apartheid. I'm sure those whom are dying of hunger do not give two hoots about the name!

    One thing about Apartheid is that there were no where near as many deaths when it was around compared to now!

    People say they got their "freedom"..... what freedom?

    Non of us are free!

  2. are you drunk this early morning. you are asking impossible things. you idea is pathetic. Soweto is Soweto. take ur rubbish madibaburg to the toilet. is it even a name.

  3. It must be changed as it is a symbol of Apartheid and white oppression. It should be Verwoerdburg.

  4. What? Is there still some money left for that? Aren't we down to petty cash? Ag we will let some more people starve...they can wait...changing a name is more important!

    Shade is evil! (grin)

    What about Sowemet?

    (Hey! Don't give them ideas! Before we know it, they will truly decide to do something like that, which they honestly can not afford)

  5. Soweto is just fine. Has a nice ring to it. Besides, it would cost the country money that it can ill afford.

  6. Lol Honey leave it the same way,cause when ever people ask here in the UK the first thing they ask"Are you from Soweto".I think that's the only name they assooicte with SA.x*x

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