My parents have been divorced for ten years and seven years ago my mother remarried. She and my stepdad are sometimes verbally and physically abusive of me and my brother (who has mild autism and doesn't understand what they're doing is wrong).
On the last day of school, I wrote a story about a girl who was mistreated by her mother which was kind of autobiographical and I gave it to a teacher and I hoped the teacher or the principal would ask me if something was wrong. I felt guilty, I guess, and I didn't want to just tell, because it was hard for me, and I know it's stupid, but I wanted someone to ask. So on the last day of school, the principal asked, but my stepdad was in the outer office and I thought he would hear me talking and get really mad and it would be worse for me, so I got scared and said nothing was wrong. Both the teacher and the principal said they didn't believe me and I didn't sound very convincing and my body language was telling them something was wrong, and then they asked again. I shook my head and then they told me to go, and no one followed up on anything, and I ruined the chance I had to tell. But should the teacher or principal have followed up on it or made a report? Was I wrong in writing the story?