
Should we Try for Another yet?

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Well, ok heres my story. Maybe give me your pro's and con's. So Im able to weigh all differences when bringing this up to my husband. I already have one daughter she turned 2 end of march, Im 18 happily married to a man a bit older than me with a very decent job. we just bought our first house in dec. I do not work right now but would like to take some night classes for something. we live decent, some days were tight on money and some we can spend. i feel that now would be as good a time as any to have another and in a sense get it out of the way so i can stay home with that child too and then go to work when theyre both a bit older. My husband also has a low sperm count and i feel we'll be TTC for a while anyhow. It took a year last time.

Wait to answer please I have more to add!!




  1. I think you should start trying for another.. with all the problems you & your husband has- it's worth trying.

    If you wait until your bills are paid off (or paid down), your endometriosis & low sperm count might have progressed and prevent you entirely from having kids.

    It's SMART to have your bills paid off, and house repairs done, but it's not worth sacraficing the possibilty of having another child (if that's what you want).

    I would definitely start trying to get pregnant right now. I find it odd that you already know about the low sperm count & the endometriosis and everything when you're only 18-- good luck~

  2. I think you should try for another.  The house repairs and medical bills can wait, but the amount of time you are home and the age of your daughter can't change.  

    If you wait because you are worried about the bills and then don't have your second until your first is older or you can't stay home with your second, you may look back and be upset with yourself.

    Go for it while you are young.  You seem happy and sensable.  Having another child now will give your first a friend, which will actually make it easier to you.  

    I don't see any cons.  Obviously there are some obsticals, like more medical bills or it takes longer to get the repairs done, but I think it is well worth it in the end!

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