
Should we free Canada?

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Hey yall! I read a summary on Canada's history today - which got me thinking. Should the US free the Canadians from their oppressive British regime? They are still a commonwealth nation, and its leaders are still the British monarchy.

Should we liberate them?




  1. I have no idea where you got the idea that Canada isn't free. They just like to be part of the commonwealth, they're not forced into it. If they weren't happy, they could just leave it.

  2. Ho hum. Why don't you finish off the 'freedom' projects you've started in other parts of the globe and just leave Canada alone. Canada doesn't happen to be under any oppressive British regime. A commonwealth nation is an independent nation, aligned with other independent nations to form a solidarity. Much as the individual US states aligned with each other to form the US government. Canada's leaders are not the British monarchy. The monarch is a ceremonial figurehead. Canada's leaders are its elected Prime Minister and Members of Parliament.

  3. By liberating people.. do you mean killing them??? Maybe if americans stoped "liberating" other nations the world would be a better place. I have nothing against americans, but who is anybody to judge what another country's way of life is right or wrong?

    And, we are not oppressed. The British monarchy is now just symbolic.

  4. Canada is free and is not oppressed by the British regime. We are quite happy to be a part of the monarchy.

    To the fool that wrote that we harbor terrorists, take a look in your own back yard.  Your own nation is responsible for training the pilots who caused 911, not Canada.  You always point a finger at Canada and yet forget that the rest of the world is pointing their fingers at you.  Grow up!  All countries have terrorists in them in one form or another.

  5. heck no they are doing better than us.

  6. Perhaps you are suggesting that the US should free Canada in the same way that they have brought peace and democracy to Iraq.

  7. British regime ? Learn about your history first .

    Yes we are a independent Common Wealth country we rule ourselves! USA is always stating their family ties with Britain ..we're proud of ours as well.Secondly sorry to inform you but er are not Mexico and by far not a third world country .For a country that has less people then cali our dollar is at par its leaders ares still the monarch y ...time to get some schooling ! do you realize how many independent common wealth countries they are ??//? USA was never a common wealth country maybe that's what is confusing you

  8. We are already free!

    So you only want us for our oil and natural resources?  Do some more reading and you will find that the U.S already imports most of what we have (especially oil!).

  9. Canada is a free nation and the British Monarchy are strictly a

    leftover from colonial times and have no say in the affairs of Canada.  The United States is so involved in Iraq that there wouldn't be enough military left to put up a fight in Canada.

  10. I wish people would actually research and do some reading about issues before they ask questions like this...get a job....

  11. No thanks.  The American's idea of liberation would cost too many Canadian lives.

  12. dont bother

    better the devil you know............

  13. Queen of Canada is a separate job from Queen of the United Kingdom.  If someone were to liberate Quebec from the oppressive Canadian monarchy they might be grateful, they have tried to secede a few times.  Same goes for Alberta if the Liberals get back into power.

  14. haha, I LOVE some of the replies for this question!

    However, Liberal:

    Why would we not support Muslims? To generalize a whole population would be racist...Not all Muslim people are terrorists (which is what I am assuming you are saying), just as not all Canadians hate Americans...('We' don't "hate" you, we just get tired/annoyed/frustrated/ect that soooo many Americans seem oblivious to anything that doesn't have to do with America).....
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