
Should we or should we not?

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I have a 12 year old daughter and my husband has a 13 year old son but, we don't have any children together. Do you think that with our children being so old that we need to start over with raising a newborn now? I'm 29 and my husband is 33.




  1. I think it's fine to have a baby if it's what you want to do.  My own kids are 29, 26, 23, and 11.  Same husband, we've been married for 31 years.  In our case, we conceived quite unexpectedly when I was reliably taking birth control pills for 11 years!  YIKES!  Our older kids were 18, 15, and 12 when our little surprise caboose baby joined our family.  It wasn't planned and we were in quite a shock.  After some adjustments, we just couldn't imagine our family being complete without her.   Our older kids dote on her and she looks up to them.  She used to say she wished she wasn't any "only" child before she could quite grasp the concept that brothers and sisters weren't always close to your age.  I don't think you need to worry about the ages of your older kids as they will adjust and your family will be just right if you decide to add more members to it.  There's no need to add a newborn, but there's no need not to if that is what you want to do.  My older kids were born when I was 20, 23, and 26.  My husband and I were married young, he was 19 and I was 18.  Our youngest was born when I was 38.  At only 29 and 33 you and your husband are still "spring chickens".  I'd say go ahead and have a few more kids.  It's a great thing.

  2. I am 35 and my husband is 38.  I have two boys that are 10 and 11.  He does not have any.  I am currently 32 weeks pregnant. We decided to have another because he is all about kids which he has none.  There is nothing wrong with starting all over again.  Its your choice.  I am very excited about it.  Good luck in your decision.

  3. get to it. your so young!

  4. It doesn't matter what we think - it's what the two of your think.  And also what your older children think, if you can afford it, if you really want to do the whole newborn thing over again.  Sit down and have a heart to heart with hubby and go from there.

    You're young - you've got plenty of time to think this over.

  5. There's no law that says you have to start again. You both already have a child and if you feel that's enough then that's entirely your decision.

    This is something you really need to discuss with your husband. Then if you both want a baby go for it.

  6. If you and your husband would like to have one of your own, I would say, 'go for it'.  Age isn't that much of a problem.  I would daresay with how close the other children are that they get along really well.  I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 1 year old and they get along really well.  Why not try having just 2 together kind of close in age.  That way the two younger ones will have someone to play with and the older ones can help look after them.  

    Good luck and God bless!

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