
Should we or shouldn't we?

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We need health insurance but my husbands health insurance is expensive and will make where we are about 120.00 short every month to pay bills. We don't have very much wiggle room....we don't spend much if anything at all on anything else , but I was thinking if we didn't get the save at least as much as they would have taken out and put it into a savings least it would be there if needed. What do you think




  1. In that case, get an HSA (Health Savings Account) and a high deductible medical plan. You need to at least have at least that because if you get in a major accident or fall gravely ill can you afford hundreds of thousands in expenses? I don't think so. You might want to consider having at least that much (an HSA paired with a high deductible plan).

  2. I completely understand your situation.  America is so crazy not offering free health care or discounted health care.  Anyways, I would really weigh your pros and cons. Are you basically healthy people? How old are you? The older you get the more health problems come with the territory.  Do you have kids? If you do then I would say definitely get the insurance.  

    If you are healthy young adults without kids.  You could take your chance.  Planned parenthood offers discounted checkups, birth control etc... I currently do not have health insurance and use them when I have any female problems and for my birth control.  Just hope that you don't get seriously ill.  Good Luck!

  3. If you are young and otherwise healthy you may want to only carry a major medical policy that would help cover an unexpected surgery (tonsillectomy, appendectomy, that sort of thing). You can attend health fairs at a local medical school or name-brand pharmacy that will generally do blood screenings for diabetes, take your blood pressure, etc so you can monitor your health.

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