
Should women be playing Rugby?

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Don't get me wrong, i'm all for equality and all that jazz, but have you seen women rugby players. They have lost most of their feminine features. They lack grace and poise and their warmth as loving people. They certainly could pass as men. God intended women to be supple and soft and graceful while still strong and ambitious. Women playing rugby doesn't make sense to me. Do you feel me?




  1. well playing rugby is up to them , they should forget their beuty & style then perhaps they can think about mad stuff !

    but acting equally as men in the society is usuall now.


  2. I was in New Zealand and watched some tough Moari Girls kick *** ~ and also  in Australia ~ But its not as rough as the Guys get ! But The New Zealand girls played along side the Guys ~ They where pretty big Too

  3. Yeah I can see what you mean and when I see some of these players they are not at all flattering. But I fully support female sports but I don't watch them, I like the male rugby better, Australia VS the All Blacks, that stuff is great, blood, brains and sweat, tis the best! But if these girls wanna play I guess that's fine, just don't expect me to be watching them on TV! Even though I played it for 14 months, I would never go professional, I am not an angry person so they wouldn't hire me. If I knocked someone over I'd drop the ball and help them up, I'm not one for violence!


    -Go Wallabies!

  4. So what, we should just sit at home and knit? You could say that about any sport and most of the ladies on my team still look like  women, don't just stereotype because of a couple you've seen.

    We do not lack "grace" and "pose", it's just there is no place for it on a rugby pitch. There are ladies on my team who are nurses, are you saying they're not "warm and loving"?. We can be all of those things, just not on the field and god would intend us to play by the rules, not sitting there doing our nails.

  5. A woman's femininity is not  defined by her looks, or what's on the outside. You're just worried about getting your butt kicked by a girl. I played football and drove a semi for 4 years, and I can guarantee there is NOTHING wrong with my femininity! Them playing rugby is just a way of expressing their strength and ambition. But let me guess, it's ok with you to express that just as long as their doing your laundry or serving you dinner.

  6. Y women cant play rugby. They play Cricket, Hockey, Baseball(i think), TT, Volly Ball etc i think they can also play Rugby or football as they call it in UK. They make the game more beautiful and more luvable.

  7. women should be able to do what they like.

    They are human and the choices should be individual.

    I am all for womans rights, its a matter of personal opinion and choices i think.

  8. I have coached women's rugby in the the past at both the High School and University Level.

    My players were encouraged to play a physical game but they kept their sensitive side for their activities outside the game.

    One of my players earned a scholarship to the Royal Military College in Canada, her ambition was to become an astronaut. Before attending University, she had already earned her pilot's license with her Air Force Cadet Program.

    She was very fit, tall, attractive and popular among her peers.

  9. Rugby doesn't create 'man-beasts', it gives them something to do.

  10. yeah let them off all the fat

  11. No.  If a woman wants to play, she should play.  Why should you care?  If you wanted to knit you could.  Live and let live, life is short.

  12. Yes, they should.  

    Why are you so worried about the physical characteristics of other people?  Have you solved ALL your own personal problems, those around you and achieved world peace?

    If you think they could pass as men, you need to examine your own sexuality, not that of others.

    Keep your outaded mysogynist ideas to yourself and wake up to the real world.

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