
Show Nerves! Please Help!?

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Before I go to a horseback riding showI get really nervous! I'm going to my second show on Sunday. I'm doing a walk/trot class and I'm so scared that my horse will get to close to someone elses and that something bad will happen. I worry about falling off or getting hurt or my horse getting hurt. Please help me!

Thank you so muh!




  1. Well, if you're doing walk/trot at a show, ideally you should be able to walk, trot, and canter at home, and be jumping lines of crossbars. If this is the case, then you'll be showing a division that's below that you're capable of, so you won't be asked too challenging questions. And if you're ready to show, I'm sure you'll be able to steer your horse away from the other competitors.

    Talk to your trainer about your nerves, too. If she knows, she'll be able to help relax and calm you. I sometimes tell jokes and stories to my nervous riders to help distract them.

    And before you go into that ring, take a deep breath. This is only your second show. They get easier the more you do. And do try to have fun. That should be what showing is all about.

  2. "walk/trot" isnt hard. keep your horse at a slow trot. practice.  

  3. Honestly the best thing u can do for your nerves is get experienced. try to go to lots of shows, even if you dont feel confortable showing school. i had terrible nerves at first but as im getting more experience i am WAY less nervous!

    as for falling off or getting hurt or your horse getting hurt you just cant worry about it. its a walk trot class, its very unlikley that this will happen. but u need to remember that that is a risk you take every time u get on a horse. its no different at shows. im sure ur fine normally so dont treat it any differently.

    Good luck! I hope i helped! Just let me know if you want me to explain anything else!!!!!!!!

  4. One word-RELAX

    I get nervous too, just breathe deeply and everything will be alright. Keep your heels down and sit back to help keep your seat and you won't fall. And about running into another horse just keep at least a one horse space different from the horse in front of you. Just keep practicing and everything will be alright.

  5. I learned to get over my nerves by just forgetting about the other horses around me when I am in the flat class, just act like you are riding at home. Someone also told be this phrase once, and it kind of help... "Ride like you can't fall off"

  6. ok first of all just stay calm. because if you are nervous while your on your horse your horse can feel you getting tense and then your horse becomes tense also. if you just concentrate and have fun and dont get really tense youll be fine. believe me i learned.

  7. If it were me I would use some Australian Bush Flower Essences Emergency Essence drops and rub in the horses ears a few drops each before leaving for the show and when first getting there and a few minutes before going into the ring. (you can also put a few drops in the horses water and stir in.

    For your nerves put 7 drops in water, shake and sip and sip now and again before leaving,during the trip and now and again and before going in the ring.

    You will feel a lot better and relaxed and so will the horse :o)) it is not a drug but an energy medicine, you will find it helps a lot.

    I would recommend the book "Animal Healing with Australian Bush Flower Essences" by Marie Matthews

    Google "Animal Healing with Australian Bush Flower Essences" ISBN: 9780958059015

    AND if you buy a second book make it "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White as this book has some things in it's repertory that is not in the

    above book and it is helpful to have around for people problems too.  ISBN-10: 073380053X

    This group is mostly for people using Australian Bush Flower Essences

  8. LOL... I am not sure the nerves EVER go away.  :-)  I have been showing for a long time, and I still get the butterflies.  I even start to tear up when they announce the results.  I take DEEP breaths and avoid coffee.  It makes me even more jittery.

    As for being worried about getting to close to someone or falling off.  Safety first, if a horse or rider is being unruly, make a nice circle or cut across the arena so that you can have more space to yourself.  Novice classes are notorious for clustering and getting too close.  Worry about yourself... space yourself... and everything will be fine.  Remember the fundamentals of riding and you won't fall of and your horse won't get hurt.

    Good Luck!  I am sure you will do GREAT!!!

  9. There's not a lot of time, but you can try to go to your barn tomorrow. Pick some time when a lot of people are riding and take your horse out into the arena with them.

    You may have the same opportunity to go into the practice pen at the show on Sunday. If so, do the same thing.

    Start by just hanging out in a quiet part of the pen. Then, spend some time moving around in the quieter areas, buit where you have to do some "avoiding". Ride as close to other riders as you and they feel comfortable and try to get a feel for what this is like and whether or not you have anything to worry about. In the end, you will get comfortable with this. You'll see others avoiding you successfully and your horse and their horses getting along OK.

    And then you will start to feel better and more relaxed.

    Remember, you're going to a show to have fun. Enjoy yourself. It will all be OK.

  10.   First of all congratulations!  Being nervous before a show is very normal.  I've been showing for 25 years and still get nervous before every show.  Just remember that you know your horse better than anyone.  Pay attention to what your horse is doing and what he or she is telling you.  

      That being said, most show people will be very aware of what their horse is capable of as far as kicking, etc.  Just stay focused on your horse and your performance and you'll be fine.

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