
Show names please?

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Hi all

I've got a 17.2hh vanna drum horse and am looking for some show names for him.

I've attached some pics of him and as you can see his mane is fantastic and so I'd like to incorporate that i.e. 'Mane Attraction' so it draws people to it.

Anyone got any other ideas? All suggestions welcome!!





  1. How about Main Mane in Maine.

    Haha Im just kidding.

    But I like Mane Attraction.

  2. I really like Mane Attraction. :) thats a really cute name.

  3. love 'mane attraction'! beautiful horse and your right he has fantastic mane.

  4. Mane Attraction is really cute, but since you want some other names here are a few that I just randomly thought off...

    -Mane Ordeal

    -Mane Focus

    -Mane Example

    -Mane Event

    -The Mane Attraction

    -The Mane Show (or just Mane Show)

    I think that is all I can think of right know lol ^^ but that was really creative to name him something with "mane" in it xD good luck with him...his mane IS gorgeous :)

  5. How about Sugar Plum!

    Or Lover!

    Or Fierce...

    Sorry they are not the BEST names, but good luck!

  6. Marveolus Matt- the Mane Attraction

  7. omg, i love your horse!!!!!! he's so beautiful!!!!

    hmm... im not too good when it comes to thinking of show names, but you could also use 'mane course' or 'mane event'. : )

  8. i think mane attraction seems nearly perfect..

    here are some i could think of:

    Manely My Way

    Manely Unmistakeable

    Mane Marvel

    Mane Squeeze [lol]

    Manely Mysterious [or any other adjective.. lol] i fell into that buzz where once you say a word so much it has no meaning..

    anyway... kudos on his mane! it really is gorgeous

  9. Mane Idea

    Mane Attraction

    Mane Event

    Mane Performer

    Bucking Da Rules
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