
Shrinking your Aura?

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I have a very large aura due to a recent trauma and would like to know if there's anything that I can do to shrink it?




  1. Leave it out in the rain?

  2. Shrinking your aura is not a good carreer move.

    Leave your aura and your chakras alone no matter what self professed experts tell you.

    The aura is a energy field around you, and it acts like a force field to protect you.

    The thinner the aura; the weaker it is.

  3. Would you say that your aura is different in color? Perhaps the difference in color makes your perception of your aura larger. You will either become accustom to the new color (and it will become less noticeable) or as you heal your color will revert back to the color you are used to (again becoming less noticeable). Otherwise, meditation and concentration on the reduction of your emitted energies should also help. Good luck, and don't pay attention to those that cannot perceive your naturally emitted energies.

  4. Didn't we already have this conversation? :/

  5. You need to check with your Dr.  This Aura that so many people speak of has an actual medical answer.  Don't let something you want to believe in turn out to be something that causes you to loose a true want in the end.

  6. While I don't understand your concern, there is a description in "The Aura and Seven Chakras" of a process that shrinks an aura. Other descriptions from other sources indicate that many alternative healers demonstrate a reduction in aura size when healing a patient.

    I have provided the link to the above-referenced document for you below.

  7. I believe there is a product called Preparation A. It's like Preparation H for hemorrhoids, but instead Preparation A shrinks your aura. CVS pharmacy should carry it. Just tell the pharmacist you have a huge aura and you want a topical ointment for it, and they should be able to take care of you.

  8. I understand the problem. After my pet fish Eric (I hope somebody gets the reference) died, my aura was enormous. I had trouble getting on the bus, and I had to pay for two seats whenever I flew.

    I suggest a low ectoplasm diet, coupled with intense mental excersize, i.e. try graphing "The Oprah"'s weight for the past ten years.

    You'll have a slimmer, trimmer, sexier aura in no time.

  9. Laurel and Hardy movies will shrink even the most stubborn auras.

  10. go into the lotus position with your hand on your knees in the upward position like they're cupping two large rubber balls. focus your positive energy in your left hand and negative in your right. When you feel like the negative is at it's holding limit focus on sending it to a near by mirror. If you don't have a mirror or you do, get one to face a window and open the window. this send the negative to it's natural element (darkness) and by morning it will disappear with your dreams. Your aura should shrink if you do this for 2 weeks.

  11. Either figure out what you mean by 'aura' or stop imagining it.  There's really no such thing.  

    If you disagree and actually have some way to prove it, this guy will give you a million bucks.

  12. I had a friend who used to clean mine and he said that poor diet, drugs or drinking, could shrink it and cause "clogs"??

  13. Your aura is your energy, you can change your aura by changing your mindset.

  14. how are you measuring your aura?

    1) With instruments? Have you tried these instruments on a variety of people to make sure you not getting an average reading?

    2) Can you see it? You might need to have your eyes checked.

    3) Are you listening to a psychic, or reading a book by Sylvia Browne or her ilk? Ignore it. They are just out to get your money. Sylvia Browne has proven herself to be a fake when she accepted the Randi Million dollar challenge on TV. 4 years later, she still has not been able to schedule one single free day to perform her skills for the challenge. Not a single free day in 4 years?

    Let me put it this way, would you free up a day for a million dollars?
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