
Sick baby bunnies?! plz help !!!

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9 days ago my rabbit gave birth to 7 bunnies, they were all doing very well untill today i woke up and i found one was dead, i think it might be because yesterday i was trying to pick one up and it got scared and peed all over the nest, so i think that bunnie got sick from the pee, but idk wat to do about the other bunnies are they all going to die too? should i clean out the hay and make a new nest? how can i tell if they are sick or not?




  1. This is a very interesting topic, because my friend had this same thing happen to him. Basically what you need to do, is try and move out your bunnies in about a week.

    The mother most likely killed the bunny, so you need to watch. If you see more bunnies dead in the next few days, you really need to move them out sooner than in a week.

    You're not really supposed to touch the babies until a few weeks into their life, but if it has to do with life and death, I'd probably do it very carefully. Before you do so, please make sure to wash your hands thoroughly, as you do not want to get your scent on anything.

    Good luck,

    Guinea Pig, Hamster Expert

    (I know a bit about bunnies, too!)

  2. The baby was dead because the mother didn't recognize it's smell anymore so she killed it. If you touch the babies without rubbing your hands all over the mother first, or if you have the smell of another rabbit on your hands, then they will smell different than the others and the mother will reject it, and usually kill it.

    So if you don't touch them very much then the rest should be fine; if you do touch them make sure you rub your hands all over the mother first AFTER washing them so they will only smell like her and nothing else.

    Hope I helped =)

  3. The mother killed it, You arn't supposed to touch the babies. She will more than likely eat it when no ones around or she will just leave it there. Get it out of the cage. Be very careful though. If your human scent rubs off on anything she will go crazy.

    when they are 3 weeks old you can pick them up

    and when there 5 weeks old you can take them away from their mum, put them in a separte cage together and they can eat regular dry rabbit food

    6 weeks old they can have some fruit and veg

    8 weeks old you can give them to their new homes

    Hope I've helped :)

  4. The mother didn't kill it.  I am a rabbit expert.  My bunny had a litter of 8 a couple of months ago.  One died because she was out of the cage and we didn't see her and our floor was too cold for her.  It was sad and I wish I had found her in time.  The mother's do not reject the bunnies if you hold them.  You can hold them right away.  I handled the babies alot.  It is very rare for every bunny in the litter to survive.  We were lucky that the other seven survived.  Your bunny didn't get sick from the pee.  You can clean out the hay if you want.  It won't upset the mother or the babies.  I didn't it right away.  Make sure that the cage is in a private area where it is quiet.  The mother won't nurse her babies if anyone is around.  I am sorry for this.  Don't beat yourself up over it.  Hopefully the other seven with survive.  8 is a large number and may just be too many for the mommy to nurse.  Keep them with the mom until they are six or seven weeks old then remove them from the mother one at a time two days apart.  Make sure that the mother has plenty to eat.  Make sure that you change the food and water daily.  Put liquid vitamin drops for rabbits in the water.  Give her an unlimited amount of timothy hay daily and give her some dry oats.  I'm sorry people but you are all wrong.  I think you must not have rabbit experience.  I never had to rub my hands on the mom first before touching the babies.  If the mother knows you and is used to you then she won't mind you handling the babies.  You can't remove them after a week.  They have to be with the mom for at least six weeks so that she can nurse them.  Trust me.  I know what I am talking about.

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