
Sick of HS....?

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I'm really sick of High School Im 15 so its 2 and a half years till I can leave and go to college. I used to love school but now I'm just over the pettyness of it all , I'm normally I really happy upbeat person but now I feel like I'm not myself.

Anyway my question is that is college as bitchy as high school?




  1. No, college is nothing like high school.  The people that were popular in high school generally just become one of the crowd at college because it's no longer like a popularity contest, you won't be having the same classes each and every day with the same people over and over, so it doesn't matter who is who anymore.  If you feel so much not like yourself maybe you can just try and find yourself again.  Enjoy the good friends that you have, don't give in to the jealous and petty people and try and get through it.

  2. very very different.. especially since you dont HAVE to go to class.. you dont HAVE to do your homework.. you can walk out when you like..its definetly more of a grown up place to be in.. once you hit college or vocational dont care..your not ashamed to be alone..being alone is normal.

  3. ★ Isn't everyone? College is different because people have grown up & it's focused on your main dream and road to success instead of high school requirements. ★

  4. College is a lot different than high school.  The people there are adults and, for hte most part, act like it.  In high school, you deal with a bunch of petty drama that is not symbolic of real life though some people would have you believe you need to go through all of that to be prepared for the real world.  The world I am living in seems pretty real, and outside of school I have not encountered bullying, cliques, and the like.

    You and your parents should look into homeschooling.  There are many different options, from cyber schooling (either through your public school system or a private provider) to complete, autonomous homeschooling.  You can get your education outside of a brick and mortar school environment, and many homeschooled high schoolers take dual enrollment courses at their local community college so that when they graduate high school, they already have several college credits earned.

    I wish you the best!  I do not miss those days, and as a homeschool parent I am glad that my children will not have to deal with it.

    EDITED TO ADD: Homeschooling does not mean you are at home 24/7 around only your parents and siblings.  You have more free time to participate in a variety of extra curricular activities, and you can still socialize with friends that attend school in the afternoons/evenings and on weekends.  Just wanted to clear that up right quick, before someone mentioned the mythical lack of socialization.

  5. College is more independent and colleges generally allow students to think, unlike public schools. You can learn anything as far as classes go in college, but in high school you're limited to what you can learn and study.

    College has many positive things, but the workload and getting used to independence can be stressful at times.

  6. its a completely different world no drama
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