
Sick of excuses?

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anyone? theres always an excuse for everything these days. anyone capable of holding their hands up and accepting responsiability?




  1. Are you insinuating that I, Christine, pure as the white gleaming snow am capable of doing some wrong?

    hmph...the nerve of some people

  2. good question.

  3. The failures make the victories even sweeter :-)

  4. *hold up hand* I am responsible for all the good things I do, all the bad things I was forced to do by someone else.

  5. Yes there actually is.

    I mean if you say something to someone there bound to give you an extra long excuse, I believe not many people are keen on admitting that yeh they've done wrong or been in the wrong and this really does need to change.

  6. If I blame someone else for my failures and mistakes, I cant claim my victories. Also it begrudges others of their victories, leaves no room for self improvement, and is a little egotistical.

  7. Lol, I do. I accept responsibility if I don't buy the right stuff at the mall. The next time around, my wife does the shopping herself !

  8. well i would, but my dog ate my homework...

  9. Certainly.

    I learned a long time ago that nobody will recognize your successes if you constantly put the blame for your failures on someone else.

    On another note, I see no reason to place blame for shortcomings anyhow, be it on myself or anyone. As they can usually be channeled later into great things.

    Step up, and claim your mistakes. There is nothing wrong with s******g up occasionally, so own it.

  10. I do but since I am a single mother I guess that does not count. I am NOT afraid to say IT WAS MY FAULT. at least I can look at myself in the mirror and know I am doing the best I can.  and know that I TOOK MY responsibility

  11. Gazz B, I'm with you 100%!!!
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