
Sick pay for mental health? ?

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i dont know if many people will be able to help me here but i have a friend who is in serious need of help. He blames himself for his brothers death and now has a serious drink and drug problem he has seen a doc who gave him diazapan, the thing is he doesnt take them and if he does he takes them all at once to try and kill himself. He also has anger problems smashing uphis house every night almost and most people have now turned their back on him. What do u think is best for him? to go to a mental ward for a while? he also works offshore and refuses to go to hospital as he thinks his wages will drop if hes signed off or he'll loose his job! would this happen?




  1. it could happen, but most companies offer paid time off for tramtic happenings such as this. a stay in a psychiatric hospital would do him wel i got alot of help from there. im sorry to hear what hes going through

  2. Well if he works offshore and he has drink and drug problems he will not last long if he stays at work. My advice to your friend is for him to go and see his doctor and ask if he can be signed off as he cannot cope with work at the moment.

    It would be far better for him to do this. He ought not to lose his job offshore if he is signed off on the sick. However, if he continues working it is envitable that he will get caught in the company random drug checks that are periodically carried out.

    Far better that he signed off and not dismissed for drug taking as he will be blacklisted by all the major offshore employers and he will find it virtually impossible for him to find work offshore gain.

    Also he has to be consider his colleagues offshore as he could become a liability and put his workmates lives in danger because he needs to be in tip top physcial and mental form to work offshore. Too many saftey hazards to be aware of.

    No it is my opinion that he ought to get signed off a few weeks. With rest and proper medication both will do wonders for your friend and he will soon be back at work.

  3. its sound with this behaviour he could lose his job any way, it may sound extreme but it may be time for an intervention! i dont think you'll be able to get him to sign himself in for mental health care, so myabe look into having him sectioned, for his own good,

    yes his wages will drop if he is signed off but surely being signed off and getting healthy again is much more important than a few extra pounds

  4. If he continues with the destruction of himself and others property he will be arrested and placed on a section 37. First of all He needs You.

  5. A drs note will get him off work for a while and he should still get paid.

    Seeing on how he gets on will determine if he needs to leave work and get disability allowance which I think he could get (my sister got it for Anxiety, OCD and depression)

    It seem slike hes struggling at the moment but the only person that can help him is himself/

    If he wont go to the Dr you cant force him unless you can prove he is a danger to others and/or himself. In which case some one would pick him up and do an assesment.

    If he wants to get better for his job sake, explain the importance that he goes.

    Dont turn your back on him.

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