
Sick rat. Help anyone?

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I just got a new rat. But she seems ill. Her sister keeps sitting over her and watching her but she doesn't want to do anything and is just sitting in the same place in her cage. And sneezing occasionally. Any help?




  1. First off, do not separate them now. The illness is likely myco based and all rats have myco even if it's dormant in their system (it only flares up when the immune system is suppressed). All separating her from her cagemate will do is make her stressed out (which could make her sicker). Even if it wasn't myco based it'd be far too late to separate them now, the other would have already caught what the first had.

    How new is she? Are there any symptoms other than sneezing (wheezing, red discharge from eyes and nose)? Does she seem lethargic or just scared by her new surroundings?

    You should really find yourself a good rat vet ahead of time. Try the recommended rat vet lists:

    And please, when you get a new rat, /quarantine/ it before introducing it to your current rats from now on!:

  2. separate the two rats, one has a respiratory infection, and they are very contagious. and it is hard to watch one rat suffer, but to watch the other one.... listen to her lungs, and if she is rattling, she has an upper respiratory infection, and should be taken to a vet. if she looks like shes bleeding out of her nose, its ok and its normal for rats during respiratory infection. if it is a respiratory infection, it cannot be cured and it will just likely get worse.  

  3. Since the rats are sisters you do not need to separate them... but I would clean the cage and if the sneezing does not stop I would try getting a bigger cage, (Get a 2 story cage at the smallest)

    If it still does not stop I think the pet store sold it to you sick, some pet stores do that such as petsmart, OR it could be a little homesick, (even though its cage is its home now) maybe it liked it at the pet store better that is probably not the case, and if it still sneezes try giving it a miniature bath, if then it still sneezes, then you go see a vet,

    -Hope I Helped

  4. What bedding have you put in the cage?  If it is wood chippings it may be causing the rat to sneeze as some woods give off fumes that upset the respiratory system of rats.

  5. If she's sneezing, you want to separate the two rats. If you hear a sort of rattling coming from her, she probably has upper respiratory infection. Rats usually live 2-4 years, so if you want you can take them to the vet and get antibiotics for it. Both rats should be treated since illnesses are very contagious for them.
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