
Sign of a sick Ferret?

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My male is about 23-24 weeks old. Lately while playing he has been dragging himself along the floor. I read that this was a sign of trying to leave his scent but he is dragging his front legs underneath himself. I read a forum once though of a woman complaining about Marshall ferrets and them doing this as a sign of a common Marshall sickness. I can't seem to find the forum I read this on though. Is it a sign of an illness or just some sort of play. He is pretty good at it though, can get pretty fast zipping around in this position. He eats and drinks well, his poo looks fine, and he is full of energy.

I'm a bit of a worrier though when it comes to my ferrets, so thought I would ask.




  1. This site may answers some of your questions

  2. Mine does that all the time lol hes a freaking r****d lol. He just dose it when hes put in a kinda newer enviorment. He allways does it outside but when i put him on my bed he does it to be lazy... lol  
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