
Sign of infertility?

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Hey guys so i am currently ttc. I have a clear blue fertility monitor i did not have enough test sticks to perform on the monitor so i waited until around 9 days from when my period started on the 3rd Aug, and stated to test but since then until now i have only had a low reading on the monitor. plus its now the 21st and i usually have sore nipple and nothing this month does this mean i didn't ovulate?




  1. you didn't put in the 2 most important things in my mind.. your age and if u have a life partner. so as long as you stress yourself to the max u will not get pregnant;  but if u really want to have a child stop worrying, relax and enjoy the time with your partner.  and if your really want to have a child in a hurry, after your next period when you sleep with your partner, leave him inside you and go to sleep. men's sperm flows all the time and in the relaxed state of sleep you are 90% more likely to conceive.

  2. No it doesn't mean that you didn't ovulate, these fertility monitors are really effective but only when used correctly.  In this case you didn't start using it on the first day of your period which is critical for the machine to collect its information and to look for your lh surge.  I would advise that you count this cycle as invalid and start again next month but make sure that you use the machine properly.

    In relation to you worrying about not ovulating this cycle this is not uncommon it happens to everyone at some point, only when you have been using your machine correctly and it does not detect ovulation for 2 consecutive cycles should you contact the doctor.

    Good Luck
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