
Simple riddle that i forgot about :)?

by  |  earlier

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until earlier today

i have 2 coins that equal 30 cents but one of the coins is not a nickle. what two coins do i have?




  1. Nickle and a quarter

  2. its 25 c and a nickle cause u said one is not a nickle but the other is!!!

  3. Sounds to me that 30 cents is not really enough money for anything.  Could this be foreign currency ?

  4. The Scrubs answer:  "A penny and... a 1972 dime with a Roosevelt imperfection, today worth exactly twenty-nine cents."

  5. What can I get for $20???

  6. A nickle and a quarter. U said one of them isn't a nickle...that's because it's a quarter. the second coin is a nickle :)

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