
Since when did this become?

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The anti arab section?




  1. Since last week ! anyways Its good to Discuss about the Problems the Ummah is facing and Arab racism towards p**i is one of them ! No need to get all emotional over it !

  2. U took the words right outta ma mouth!!!

    Lol some people got issues with arab people i get it!!!!.....Now can we go back to discussing things in a calm and rational way??? =) PLzzzzzzz it's like screaming to be heard by sum1 deaf!!!

  3. most of you are coward unity fans so I would not find it strange than none of you defend us

  4. i think these are non-muslims, they just wants to cause some fitna!!

  5. I know, I would like to know too. I wish we can go back to the normal ramadan section-peaceful.

    Your sister

    Jee Jee

  6. yeah, seriously.

    lets all follow peace. <3

  7. it seems it is the newest and latest fight here.  Such a pity really.  I advise sincere people to ignore the posts.  I thought it was just one or two so i answered them, but then I saw it was a literal laundry list.  I wont be answering anymore.  Either you are part of the problem or part of the solution.

  8. Salam for you my good friend. I do not  know,since when did anti Arab arouse .I think hating each other is not good.We should treat well our own enemies. Hating should be repaid with love.

    Allah does not allow to hate someone especially among muslims arab and non arab.Allah instructed us to love,respect and help each other as brothers and sisters.We could not do a revenge.Muhammad pbuh suggested us to make a solution for bad doings (maksiat) in 3 stages (1)report the maksiat and punish anyone who made maksiat in line with law and regulation if you are a ruler (authorities)

    (2) say or write on the mass media about maksiat and give advice for good solution or the weakest one (3)make a dua or prayer to Allah that Allah will show the right way to anyone who made maksiat.Allah is forgiveful and merciful.

  9. i think they got bored of the sunni shia thing,now they need something new to fight about.

    p.s i like ur nickname.

  10. I agree totally! it's absolutely crazy! i just wish everyone could get along with each other.

  11. Yes...what is the purpose doing here. Less than 25 percent of all Muslim are Arab so being the minority I would hate to see our Pakistani and Bengali brothers and sisters "ganging up" on our Arab brothers and sisters or any other this makes no sense to me at all.

  12. arabs are cool!!

    lets see how may thumbs down i get ^_^

    edit: yeah thats true..i just wanted to make a few people pause in their tracks. i know for sure there would be more if i didnt say it! anyway, i apparently did get some thumbs downs.

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