
Single parent?

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Do you think it will affect my child negatively if I adopt her as a single mom. I mean because she won't have an adoptive father?




  1. I know some wonderful single moms with fantastic kids.

  2. heya the reason i answered this is because im a single parent. I have 3 girls, 1 week, 3, 5. My husband died a yr ago. Who knows maybe you'll meet sum1. Yes totaly adopt her. kerry x*x

  3. No there are a lot of single parents out there  that are fantastic. All you need is a lot of love and devotion.

  4. I adopted 5 children as a single parent. They are ages 23 to 32 now. We had our normal ups and downs as they grew up but I would do it all over in a minute. They are very close and devoted to each other and to me. Now I am reaping the benefits of adult children - grandchildren. I say if you can afford it, have a support system to rely on go for it and enjoy mother hood. Good luck and God Bless.


  5. I'm a single mom.  My son is very well taken care of.  

    There are plenty of kids out there who have only one parent.  

    Go for it.  A child just wants to be loved.  

    Good Luck!

  6. How do you know she wont ever have an adoptive father? That would be like saying you will never meet someone. No?

    As long as you provide a lot of love then your new life with your little girl will be amazing. Good luck x

  7. It all depends on the child- you never know with any child how they will react to their family as they are growing up.  What if you are married and you get divorced?  I've been through my parents divorce and really felt the pain of that...  so who's to say what's the ideal situation.  

    I say as long as you have researched everything, have a good support system, are committed, have the financial ability to care for all the child's needs, and are prepared to change your whole world around to revolve around your future child...  then GO FOR IT!

    I am a single Mom and so very happy about my decision to not wait for my perfect man to come along.  I can get married at any age- but to be a good parent you still have to have some spring left in your step.  :-)

  8. No. Half of the marriages end after adoption anyways. Just like any other marriages.

  9. I am a single adoptive parent of 2, both in their 20s.  they had male influences, but no father and have turned out fine.  having one parent who loves them is better than the impermanence of foster care.

  10. Everything we do and everything we are affects our children.  To say that being single will negatively affect your child is a complete unknown.  It will depend on her personality, her emotional make-up, her environment, her extended family, the male role models a round her, your strengths as a parents, her peers, her education, etc., etc., etc.

    So, if I were you, I would ask myself if I can be most things to my child?  But then ensure yourself and child that you will provide people of all kinds, including strong a male role model, to complete and balance out her life -- just like ANY parent!

    FYI, the stats on children of single parents show they fare no worse at all than children of couples!  Whether adopted or biological children.  And in fact, children of singles are more independent, read earlier, score better on I.Q. tests, and are emotionally more flexible.  

    The best of luck to you!

  11. There are a lot of children with only one parent.  If you are devoted to your child and give them the love and attention that they need, they will be fine.

    I am a single parent to a 13 year old girl.  She gets her positive male influences from her hockey coaches! :-)
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